Create Nessus Plugin Scans

The Nessus Plugin Scan launches an advanced Nessus scan that executes a user-defined list of plugins on the assets specified in the list of CIDRs and IP addresses.

The OT Security executes the scan on responsive assets within the designated CIDRs. However, to protect your OT devices, OT Security scans only confirmed network assets in the given range (non-PLCs). OT Security excludes assets of the type Endpoint from the scan.

Starting from OT Security 4.1, you can create new scans with the following options:

  • Perform Thorough Tests — This option allows Nessus to perform a detailed scan that includes plugins that may increase the scan duration, but helps uncover in-depth details such as JAR files or installed Python libraries.

  • High Verbosity Processing — This option enables the scan to provide additional details about the vulnerability that you can use to troubleshoot a scan finding. This option also allows Attack Path Analysis to leverage the Nessus scan connections data.

  • Network Timeout (In seconds) — The maximum time that Nessus must wait until it gets a response from the host. If you are scanning over a slow host, you can increase the number of seconds. The default is 15 seconds.

  • Max Simultaneous Checks Per Host — The maximum number of checks that Nessus must perform against the host. The default number of checks is 2.

  • Max Simultaneous Hosts Per Scan — The maximum number of hosts that Nessus can scan simultaneously. The default number of hosts is 10.

The Nessus Scan Information for a credentialed scan includes the following details:

  • Last Successful Scan

  • Last Scan Duration

  • Last Successful Authenticated Scan

The Nessus scan information helps you:

  • Understand assessed and unassessed assets.

  • Understand if your assets are targeted with credentialed or non-credentialed scans.

  • Perform best practices with scanning and vulnerability management. For example, performing vulnerability assessment scans against IT type assets running Windows, Linux. Scanning, whether with or without credentials, helps assess how much of your organization's attack surface is exposed both internally and externally.

The Nessus scan in OT Security uses the same policy settings as a basic network scan in Tenable Nessus, Tenable Security Center, and Tenable Vulnerability Management. The only difference is the performance options in OT Security. The following are the performance options for the Nessus scan in OT Security. These options also apply to the Nessus Basic scan you launch from the Inventory > All Assets page.

  • 5 simultaneous hosts (max)

  • 2 simultaneous checks per hosts (max)

  • 15 second network read timeout

Note: Tenable Nessus is an invasive tool which works best in IT environments. Tenable does not recommend Tenable Nessus for use on OT devices, as it may interfere with their normal operation.

To run a basic Nessus scan on any one asset, see Perform Asset-Specific Tenable Nessus Scan.

Note: You can run the basic scan on assets of type Endpoint.