Generate API Keys
The API keys associated with your user account allow you to access the Tenable Attack Surface Management APIs. You can generate two types of API keys:
API keys that only give access to data in the current inventory, which you can also use to obtain API keys for other inventories.
API key that can grant access only to the current inventory.
To generate API keys:
In the upper right corner, click your profile picture or initials.
Your user profile appears.
Do one of the following:
To generate API keys for all your inventories: In the API Key for all your inventories section, click Copy API Key.
You can click Generate new key & invalidate current to generate a new key, if needed.
To generate an API key for your inventory: In the API Key for <your inventory name> section, click Copy API Key.
Note: If you click Invalidate all old keys, Tenable Attack Surface Management logs you out and invalidates all your old keys. When you log in again, Tenable Attack Surface Management generates new keys.
You can now use the API keys to pull assets from all your inventories or grant access to your inventory.
For more information about the Tenable Attack Surface Management API, see the Tenable Attack Surface Management API documentation.