
The Licenses page displays your license details and expiration. For information about licensing in Tenable Enclave Security, see License Requirements.

When you obtain a license for Tenable Enclave Security, you will receive an activation code.

Your activation code:

  • is a one-time code, unless your license or subscription changes, at which point Tenable issues you a new activation code.

  • must be used with the Tenable Enclave Security installation within 24 hours.

  • cannot be shared between Tenable Enclave Security deployments.

  • is not case-sensitive.

  • is required to manage Tenable Enclave Security offline.

License Tenable Enclave Security Online

When you obtain your license, enter the activation code in the Tenable Enclave Security user interface.

License Tenable Enclave Security Offline

If you want to register an offline Tenable Enclave Security deployment with a license, use the following procedure.

To manage Tenable Enclave Security offline, you need two computers: the Tenable Enclave Security deployment, which is not connected to the internet, and another computer that is connected to the internet.

To register an offline Tenable Enclave Security server's license:

  1. Download and copy the license file on a system with internet access. Then, download and copy the license to the offline system running Tenable Enclave Security.

  2. Register your license on the offline system running Tenable Enclave Security.