Create a Scan

By default, Container Security scans will scan all images in a registry. To scan a single image, see Configure a CI/CD Scan.

Before you begin:

To create a scan:

  1. In the left navigation, click ScansScans.

    The Scans tab appears, which displays a list of your scans.

  2. At the top of the table, click Add Scan.

    The Add Scan window appears.

  3. In the Name box, type a name for the scan.

  4. In the Scanner box, select a Container Security scanner that you configured in Add a Scanner.

  5. In the Registry URL box, type the URL for the registry that you want to scan.

    Note: Scan settings may affect the results of the scan. For more information, see Scan Settings.

  6. In the Registry Type box, select the type of registry that you want to scan. The following are the available registry types:

    • Docker

    • DockerHub

    • Jfrog

    • Harbor

    • AWS ECR

    • Azure ACR

    • Quay

    • Nexus

  7. (Optional) In the Username box, type the username that Container Security will use to authenticate to the registry.

  8. (Optional) In the Password box, type the password that Container Security will use to authenticate to the registry.

  9. (Optional) Enable Schedule Scan.

    1. In the Start On box, select the date you want the scan to start running.

    2. In the Time box, select the time of day you want the scan to start running.

    3. In the Time Zone box, select the time zone for the scan schedule.

    4. In the Frequency box, select how often you want the scan to run.

  10. Select Save to save the scan.


    Select Save and Run to start running the scan immediately.