“Unknowns” in the Indicators of Attack Alerts

In some cases, you may encounter “unknown” entries in the Indicators of Attack (IoA) alerts, as shown in the following image:

These entries typically arise due to two key scenarios:

  1. External DNS Outside Active Directory (AD)

    If your organization uses DNS servers outside the Active Directory (AD) domain, it is important to note that the product does not support non-AD DNS environments. This means that when certain DNS queries or requests are routed through external DNS servers that are not part of AD, Tenable Identity Exposure cannot identify them, leading to “unknown” entries in the IoA alerts list.

    Such "unknowns" are expected in these cases and are not indicative of any malfunction or error within Tenable Identity Exposure. This is due to the nature of the integration with Active Directory, which requires DNS records to be managed within the AD environment for complete visibility and tracking.


    • To minimize these "unknown" entries, ensure that your DNS infrastructure is fully integrated into AD for domains and resources that are critical for identity exposure monitoring.

    • If DNS queries must go outside of AD, understand that these “unknowns” will continue to appear, as Tenable Identity Exposure cannot resolve them.

  1. Insufficient Permissions for Tenable Identity Exposure Account

    Another reason for "unknown" entries in the IOA alerts could be that the account Tenable Identity Exposure uses lacks sufficient permissions to read DNS entries. The Tenable Identity Exposure service requires read permissions to properly access and analyze DNS records within the Active Directory.


    To resolve this, ensure that the account Tenable Identity Exposure uses has read access to the necessary DNS entries within AD. Specifically, this account must have permission to query DNS servers and access the records it needs to perform identity exposure analysis.

    If the Tenable Identity Exposure account does not have proper read permissions, you can grant them using the following procedures.

    Tip: In the script, you only need to change the name of the account Tenable Identity Exposure uses. Read permissions are included in the following attributes:
    • distinguishedName

    • dnsRecord (contains the IP)

    • name

    • ntSecurityDescriptor

    • objectCategory

    • objectClass

    • objectGUID

    There are two options:

    1. In your Active Directory manager, set the Read permissions on the container (dnsZone) and propagate it (recommended solution if applicable).

    2. Using PowerShell, set the read permissions on all the existing dnsNode (on the dnsZone affecting all children dnsNode):

      • On the dnsZone affecting all children dnsNode:

        Import-Module ActiveDirectory

        $identity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount('EXAMPLE\user2') # Service account used by TIE for collect/listening
        $dnsZonePartition = (Get-ADRootDSE).namingContexts | Where-Object { $_ -match "DomainDnsZones" }

        # dnsRecord attribute GUID
        # and Public-Information property set GUID
        $guids = @('e0fa1e69-9b45-11d0-afdd-00c04fd930c9', 'e48d0154-bcf8-11d1-8702-00c04fb96050')

        $dnsZones = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(objectClass=dnsZone)" -SearchBase $dnsZonePartition

        ForEach ($dnsZone in $dnsZones) {
            $acl = Get-Acl -Path "AD:\$dnsZone"

            ForEach ($guid in $guids) {
              $ace = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(
                [guid]'e0fa1e8c-9b45-11d0-afdd-00c04fd930c9' # dnsZone GUID


            # ntSecurityDescriptor
            $ace = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(
                [guid]'e0fa1e8c-9b45-11d0-afdd-00c04fd930c9' # dnsZone GUID

            Set-Acl -Path "AD:\$dnsZone" -AclObject $acl
      • On each dnsNode object:

        Import-Module ActiveDirectory

        $identity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount('EXAMPLE\user2') # Service account used by TIE for collect/listening
        $dnsZonePartition = (Get-ADRootDSE).namingContexts | Where-Object { $_ -match "DomainDnsZones" }

        # dnsRecord attribute GUID
        # and Public-Information property set GUID
        $guids = @('e0fa1e69-9b45-11d0-afdd-00c04fd930c9', 'e48d0154-bcf8-11d1-8702-00c04fb96050')

        $dnsNodes = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(objectClass=dnsNode)" -SearchBase $dnsZonePartition

        ForEach ($dnsNode in $dnsNodes) {
            $acl = Get-Acl -Path "AD:\$dnsNode"

            ForEach ($guid in $guids) {
              $ace = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(


            # ntSecurityDescriptor
            $ace = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(

            Set-Acl -Path "AD:\$dnsNode" -AclObject $acl