Manage Your License
Tenable Identity Exposure requires a license file from Tenable or through Authorized Enterprise Partners. The license user count covers all enabled users and service accounts.
You must upload the license file to configure and use Tenable Identity Exposure.
The Tenable Identity Exposure licenses can include:
Indicators of Attack
Indicators of Exposure
Both of the above
License Consumption
For on-premises installations, Tenable Identity Exposure tracks the license consumption if there is an internet connection available.
Prevention of Container UUID Mismatches
In Tenable Identity Exposure, each license includes a unique Container UUID, linking the application to a specific Tenable Cloud container. This container UUID must remain consistent to ensure seamless integration and avoid operational issues.
In order to prevent container UUID inconsistency (for example when upload a new license on after renewal) Tenable Identity Exposure can detect container UUID “mismatches”.
If you attempt to upload a license with a different Container UUID, the message "Cannot change Tenable Cloud container" appears. You may be in one of the following scenarios:
Migration from Tenable Identity Exposure standalone to a Tenable One license.
Migration of your container from one Tenable AWS site to another.
Expiration of the former container and creation of a new one.
If you are in one of these cases, please contact Tenable to discuss changing your Tenable Cloud container for this Tenable Identity Exposure platform.
License Validity
The Tenable Identity Exposure license remains valid as long as you meet the following criteria:
The number of active users does not exceed the number granted on the license. Tenable Identity Exposure shows three types warning messages depending on your case.
The number of active users is near the limit of the license conditions: you must update your license.
The number of active users exceeds the license conditions: you must update your license.
The number of active users exceeds the license conditions (by 10%): you no longer have access to the Indicator of Exposure page and must update your license.
The date of expiration is not past.
If you do not meet either of the above criteria, Tenable Identity Exposure displays a warning to prompt you to update your license:

In Tenable Identity Exposure, click System and About.
Click Update the license file.
Browse to the location of your license file and click Open.
Tenable Identity Exposure updates your license file. In the case of an invalid license file, contact customer support.