Upgrade your Log Correlation Engine License
You can upgrade your Log Correlation Engine license to a license with higher capacity (e.g., 1 TB to 10 TB). Upgrading your Log Correlation Engine license requires a new license key.
To upgrade your Log Correlation Engine license:
Log in to the Log Correlation Engine interface.
In the top navigation bar, click Configuration.
The Configuration page appears, displaying the Basic section.
In the left navigation bar, click Feed Settings.
The Feed Settings section appears.
In the Activation Code box, type your new activation code, and then click the Apply button.
At the bottom of the Feed Settings section, click the Update button.
Log Correlation Engine applies the new license.
Tip: To confirm the license upgraded successfully, navigate to Health and Status, and select Plugins to verify the Activation status is Licensed and the Feed Expiration does not show Expired.