Additional Clients Page Tasks
This section details common tasks that are performed using the Clients page.
In the client table, click the row that corresponds to the Tenable Log Correlation Engine client for which you want to view details.
The Detailed view window appears, displaying a list of details about that Tenable Log Correlation Engine client. You can modify values in the Name, Policy, and LCE server boxes.
If you make changes to the Tenable Log Correlation Engine client details, click the Update button.
Log Correlation Engine saves your configuration..
In the Search box, type a plain text search term. The Search box does not accept Boolean operators.
As you type, the client table will be filtered by your search term. The client table will search the text in all columns, regardless of whether they are shown or hidden.
Tip: If you are using the desktop version of Safari, you may need to disable the Correct Spelling Automatically function to prevent the browser from rewriting search terms.
Above the client table, in the upper-left corner, click the Actions button, and then click Add filter.
The Add new filter dialog box appears.
In the Filter on box, select the column that contains the values you want to filter.
Depending on the column you select, the Filter box will appear as a text box or a list. For example, if you select Authorized, the Filter box is a list with the values Yes and No. If you select Name, you can type directly into the Filter box.
- In the Filter box, type or select a value.
Click the Add button.
A new filter appears above the client table, and the client table is filtered based on the value.
There are two methods you can use to clear filters:
Above the client table, in the box that represents the filter you want to clear, click the x. Repeat this process for each filter you want to clear.
- Above the client table, in the upper-right corner, click the Basic filter link. All filters that you have applied to the client table are cleared.
Above the client table, in the upper-right corner, click the Show / hide columns button.
A list of columns appears.
By default, the Name, Type, OS, Policy, Version, and Last Heartbeat columns are visible.
In the list of columns, select or clear the check boxes corresponding to the columns that you want to show or hide, respectively.
As you select and clear check boxes, the corresponding columns are either shown or hidden on the client table.