Revoke a Tenable Log Correlation Engine Client Authorization
To revoke a client authorization:
Log in to Log Correlation Engine via the user interface.
In the top navigation bar, click Clients.
The Clients page appears, displaying the client table.
In the client table, in the rows corresponding to the Tenable Log Correlation Engine clients that have authorizations you want to revoke, select the check boxes.
Above the client table, in the upper-left corner, click the Actions button, and then click Revoke.
The Revoke dialog box appears.
Review the list of Tenable Log Correlation Engine clients that will have authorizations revoked, and then click the Revoke button.
The authorizations for the Tenable Log Correlation Engine clients are revoked. The Tenable Log Correlation Engine clients will no longer be able to communicate with the Tenable Log Correlation Engine server, except to request authorization.