Configure an SMTP Server

  1. In Tenable Nessus, in the top navigation bar, click Settings.

    The About page appears.

  2. In the left navigation bar, click SMTP Server.

    The SMTP Server page appears.

  3. Configure the settings as necessary.

    Setting Description
    Host The SMTP server host.
    Port The SMTP server port.
    From (sender email) The email address that shows as the sender in the scan results email.

    The email encryption type:

    • No EncryptionTenable Nessus does not encrypt the email.

    • Force SSLTenable Nessus forces SSL encryption for the email.

    • Force TLSTenable Nessus forces TLS encryption for the email.

    • Use TLS if availableTenable Nessus uses TLS encryption if the receiving server is compatible.

    Hostname (for email links) The hostname that shows for the sender host and port in the email.
    Auth Method

    The authentication method Nessus uses to connect to the STMP server:

    • NONETenable Nessus does not authenticate the connection.

    • PLAINTenable Nessus secures the connection with plain (username/password) authentication.

    • LOGINTenable Nessus secures the connection with login authentication.

    • NTLMTenable Nessus secures the connection with NTLM authentication.

    • CRAM-MD5Tenable Nessus secures the connection with CRAM-MD5 authentication.

  4. Click the Save button.

    Tenable Nessus saves the SMTP server.