View or Edit a Node

On Tenable Nessus Manager with clustering enabled, you can view the list of child nodes currently linked to the parent node. Tenable Nessus assigns these child nodes to cluster groups. You can view details for a specific node, such as its status, IP address, number of linked agents, software information, and plugin set. If agents on the node are currently running a scan, a scan progress bar appears.

You can edit a node's name or the maximum number of agents that can be linked to the child node.

To view or edit a child node:

  1. In the top navigation bar, click Sensors.

    The Linked Agents page appears. By default, Linked Agents is selected in the left navigation menu and the Linked Agents tab is active.

  2. In the left navigation bar, click Agent Clustering.

    The Cluster Groups page appears.

  3. In the cluster groups table, click the row of a cluster group that contains child nodes.
  4. Click the row of the child node you want to view.

    Tenable Nessus Manager shows the Node Details tab.

  5. In the Node Details tab, view detailed information for the selected node.
  6. To move the node to another cluster group, do the following:
    1. Next to Cluster Group, click the button.

      The Change Cluster Group dialog box appears.

    2. In the drop-down menu, select a different cluster group.
    3. Click Save.

      The node moves to another cluster group.

  7. To edit node settings, click the Settings tab.

  8. Edit any of the following:

    • Node Name  — Type a unique name to identify the node.
    • Max Agents  — Type the maximum number of agents that can be linked to the child node. The default value is 10000 and the maximum value is 20000.
  9. Click Save.

    Tenable Nessus Manager updates the node settings.