View VPR Top Threats
In Tenable Nessus scan results, VPR Top Threats represent a scan's top 10 vulnerabilities with the highest VPR scores. For information about VPR, see CVSS Scores vs. VPR.
Although you may have more than 10 vulnerabilities found by a scan, VPR top threats show the 10 most severe vulnerabilities as determined by their VPR score. To view all vulnerabilities by their static CVSS score, see View Vulnerabilities.
Note: To ensure VPR data is available for your scans, enable plugin updates.
Tip: VPR is a dynamic score that changes over time to reflect the current threat landscape. However, the VPR top threats reflect the VPR score for the vulnerability at the time Tenable Nessus ran the scan. To get updated VPR scores, re-run the scan.
To view a scan's top 10 vulnerabilities by VPR threat:
- In the top navigation bar, click Scans.
The My Scans page appears.
In the scans table, click the scan for which you want to view the top VPR threats.
The scan page appears.
Click the VPR Top Threats tab.
The VPR Top Threats page appears. On this page, you can view:
Section Description Assessed Threat Level The highest VPR-based severity from your top 10 vulnerabilities. VPR Top Threats Table — Summary View VPR Severity The severity for the vulnerability, based on VPR score. This severity may differ from the CVSS-based severity. For more information, see CVSS Scores vs. VPR.
Name The name of the vulnerability. Reasons Threat sources where threat events related to this vulnerability occurred. VPR Score The Vulnerability Priority Rating score for the vulnerability. Hosts The number of affected hosts where Tenable Nessus found the vulnerability. -
(Optional) To view details for a specific vulnerability, click the row in the table.
The vulnerability details window appears.