Local Agents Commands
Required User Role: User with administrator privileges
To see and copy the full command for your specific operating system, see the Command Quick Reference.
You can link agents, unlink agents, and get a report on the status of the agent.
Link the Nessus Agent
The nessuscli agent link command links the agent to Tenable Nessus Manager or Tenable Vulnerability Management, using the manager linking key.
# nessuscli agent link --key=00b5a8fec9f3a21fa1cff66ce99c6324adf324226948c6f1516eb9f9433b964744
Required arguments:
Optional arguments:
For the full command for your operating system, see the following:
Success or Failure Messages
Once the agent is successfully linked, the following output appears:
# nessuscli agent link --key=00b5a8fec9f3a21fa1cff66ce99c6324adf324226948c6f1516eb9f9433b964744 --groups= Workstation --host=ndev3 --port=8834
Agent successfully linked
If there were issues connecting the agent to the manager, a Failed to link the agent message appears.
# nessuscli agent link --key=00abd4c487c472edb77cea8a14bb8c603a88203a2e6bf1f6df46159b5ad5ef18df --name=Workstation --groups=Accounting --host= --port=8834
Failed to link the agent:
Check the Nessus Agent Status
The agent status shows you if an agent is linked, and how many jobs are pending if it is linked.
# nessuscli agent status
Agent linked
0 jobs pending
If the agent is not linked, the status shows that it is not linked to any servers.
# nessuscli agent status
Agent not linked to a server
If the agent is linked, the status shows the IP address of the connected server and port:
# nessuscli agent status
Agent is linked to
0 jobs pending
Unlink the Nessus Agent
The nessuscli agent unlink command unlinks the agent from Tenable Nessus Manager or Tenable Vulnerability Management.
# nessuscli agent unlink