Change a User's Password

Required User Role: User with administrator privileges

To see and copy the full command for your specific operating system, see the Command Quick Reference.


To change a Nessus user’s password, use the following command:

# nessuscli chpasswd <username>

Where <username> is the username for which you want to change the password. Do not include the brackets (< >).

Follow and respond to the prompts. In the Login to change field, enter the username, and then enter the new password when prompted. The password does not appear on the screen as you type.

The following is example output for Linux:

# /opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli chpasswd auditor

Login to change: auditor

New password:

New password (again):

Password changed for auditor

Command Quick Reference

For the full command for your operating system, see the following: