Brocade Fabric OS Syntax
The syntax for this plugin and an audit are as follows:
description: "Brocade : 'Enable SSH IPv4'"
info: "SSH uses asymmetric authentication to exchange keys and create a secure encrypted session."
info: "It is recommended that you use Secure Shell (SSH) instead of Telnet."
see_also: ""
solution: "The command to enable SSH is as follows\n
switch:admin> ipfilter --addrule policy_name -rule rule_number -sip any -dp 22 -proto\n
tcp -act permit\n"
reference: "SANS-CSC|11,SANS-CSC|10,PCI|2.2.3,800-53|CM-7,800-53|AC-1,800-53|SC-7"
cmd: "ipfilter --show"
context: "ipv4.+active"
regex: "tcp\\s+22"
expect: "permit"