NetApp API Scan Requirements


The plugin requires the following credentials:

  • Username: Required username for an account on the NetApp system that has HTTPS access.
  • Password: Required password for the scanning account.
  • vFiler: (Optional) NetApp has one or more virtual filers (vFilers) on the target system. If you want to audit only one of the vFilers on the target system, enter the vFiler name. Defaults to the discovered list of vFilers on the target.
  • Port: (Optional) List of ports to scan on the targets. List is numbers separated by a comma. Defaults to port 443.

For more information, see Miscellaneous Credentials in the Nessus User Guide.


The access level that the scanning account requires is that it can authenticate using ontapi application with password authentication and admin role. A role of readonly allows access to audit the system, but the user may not have access to the APIs need to get all results.