Search for AMEX Credit Card Numbers

Following is a simple .audit file that looks for a list of file types that contain a properly formatted AMEX credit card number.



file_extension: 'pdf', 'doc', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'xlsm', 'xlsb', 'xml', 'xltx', 'xltm', 'docx', 'docm', 'dotx', 'dot', 'txt'

exclude_paths: '/root/unix_file_content_test_files/non'

regex: ([^0-9-]|^)([0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4})([^0-9-]|$)

regex_replace: \3

only_show: 4

expect: 'American Express', 'CCAX', 'amex', 'credit', 'AMEX', 'CCN'

max_size: 51200


The output we get this time is as follows:

No files were found to be in violation.

We were able to “pass” the audit because none of the files we audited contained an AMEX credit card number.