Query Operators, Properties, and Selectors

For more information about Tenable Inventory, see the Tenable Inventory User Guide.

Tip: Follow the icons to complete each step in the query building process. Additionally, be sure to expand the + buttons to view additional query building steps.

When you begin a query search, you must first select one of the following items. Expand the + next to each item to view full steps to build that query type.

Example Query Creation

Key Asset Properties

Asset Property Definition

Asset ID

An asset ID is a unique identifier that is assigned to each asset in a cyber asset management system. This identifier can be used to track the asset, its associated vulnerabilities, and its security posture.

Asset Class

An asset class is a group of assets that share common characteristics. Asset classes can be used to group assets together for reporting, analysis, and other purposes.

Group Name

The group name is a string that identifies the group to which an asset belongs. Groups can be used to organize assets and to apply policies to groups of assets.

Provider Names

The provider name is the name of the cloud provider that owns the asset.

Provider Identifier

A provider identifier is a unique identifier for an asset that is assigned by the asset's provider. This identifier can be used to track the asset and its associated data.

Created Date

The created date is the date and time an asset was first created in the system.

Last Observed At

The last observed at property indicates the date and time an asset was last seen by a Tenable scanner.

Cloud Name

The cloud name is a property that identifies the cloud provider for an asset. It is typically a string value that is unique to each cloud provider.

Host Name

The host name is a unique name that is assigned to a device. It is used to identify the device on the network and to access its resources.

Key Weakness Properties

Weakness Property Definition

Weakness ID

A weakness is a vulnerability that can be exploited by an attacker to compromise a system or asset. The Weakness Id is a unique identifier that is assigned to each weakness.

Provider Code

A provider code is a unique identifier that is used to identify the provider of a weakness.

Product Code

A product code is a unique identifier for a product. It is typically used to track the product throughout its lifecycle, from development to manufacturing to distribution to sale.

Detection Code

A detection code is a string of characters that can be used to identify a specific weakness.

Weakness Type

A weakness type is a category of weakness. It is used to group weaknesses together based on their common characteristics.

Last Updated

The last updated date and time for a weakness is the date and time when the weakness was last modified or updated.


The severity of a weakness is a measure of the potential impact that an exploit of the weakness could have on an organization.

Key Entitlement Properties

Entitlement Property Definition


The name of an object is a unique identifier that is used to refer to the object. It can be a string, number, or other type of data.


The type of an entitlement is a string that indicates the type of resource that the entitlement grants access to.

Provider Type

The provider type is the type of entity that provides the asset. For example, a cloud provider, an on-premises provider, or a SaaS provider.

Target Asset ID

The Target Asset ID is a unique identifier for an asset. It is used to track and manage entitlements, and to ensure that the correct permissions are granted to the correct users.

Relationship Sources and Targets

Source / Target Definition


An account is a record of a user's identity and permissions on a system. It typically includes a username, password, and other information such as the user's name, email address, and role.


A container is a software package that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings.

Device A device is typically defined as a physical or virtual component that can connect to a network, communicate with other devices, and perform specific functions or tasks.
Group A group is a collection of assets that share common characteristics.
Infrastructure as Code Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a method of managing and provisioning IT infrastructure using code. IaC treats infrastructure as a set of resources that can be managed and provisioned using code.
Other Resource Other resources are assets that do not fall into any of the other categories. They can include things like software applications, databases, and websites.
Resource A resource is a type of asset that can be managed by Tenable Inventory. Resources can be physical or virtual, and they can be located on-premises or in the cloud.
Role A role is a type of asset that represents a specific function or purpose. For example, a web server role might represent a server that is used to host websites.
Web Application A web application is a software application that is accessed via a web browser. It is typically hosted on a web server and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

Available Operators

Operator Definition
Exists The Exists operator is used to check if a field is not null. It can be used in queries to filter out results that do not have a value for a particular field.
Does not Exist The Does not Exist operator is used to check if a field is null. This can be used to filter out objects that do not have a value for a particular field.
Contains The Contains operator is used to check if a string contains a specific value.
Not Contains The Not Contains operator is used to exclude a value from a list. It is typically used in queries to filter out specific objects or values.

After/Greater Than

The After/Greater Than operator is used to compare two values and return true if the first value is greater than the second value.
Before/Less Than The Before/Less Than operator is used to compare two values and return true if the first value is less than the second value.
Between The Between operator is used to compare a value to a range of values.
Equal To The Equal To operator is used to compare two values and returns true if they are equal.
Not Equal The Not Equal operator is used to compare two values and return true if they are not equal.
Older Than The Older Than operator is used to compare date property to a given period from now.
Newer Than The Newer Than operator is used to compare a date property to a given period from now.
Within Last The Within Last operator is used to specify a time range.