Linked User Accounts

You can create linked user accounts and linked non-admin user accounts to allow users to switch between accounts without logging out and logging back in to Tenable Security Center.

On the Users page, a tooltip appears next to linked and linked non-admin users that displays the username for the associated Administrator or Security Manager account.

Linked User

Users with linked user accounts can use a single set of login credentials to log in to Tenable Security Center as an Administrator, then switch to a linked Security Manager, from one linked Security Manager to another, or from a linked Security Manager to the linked Administrator. You do not need to re-authenticate to switch between linked user accounts after logging in as the linked Administrator.

The following restrictions apply to linked user accounts:

  • Each Administrator can have one linked Security Manager per organization.

  • Each linked Security Manager can be associated with only one Administrator user account.

  • Linked Security Managers cannot log in to Tenable Security Center directly. You must log in to the Administrator account associated with the linked Security Manager, then switch users.

  • You cannot convert a standalone user account to a linked user account.

  • You cannot convert a linked user account to a standalone user account. To unlink a Security Manager user from an Administrator user, delete the linked Security Manager, then create a standalone Security Manager.

Linked Non-Admin User

Users with linked non-admin user accounts can use a single set of login credentials to log in to Tenable Security Center as a Security Manager, then switch to a linked SM-Linked account, from one SM-Linked account to another, or from an SM-Linked account to the linked Security Manager. You do not need to re-authenticate to switch between linked user accounts after logging in as the linked Security Manager.

Note: You must have more than one organization to create a linked non-admin user. For more information about organizations, see Organizations.

The following restrictions apply to linked non-admin user accounts:

  • Each Security Manager can have one linked SM-Linked user account per organization.

  • Each SM-Linked user account can be associated with only one Security Manager user account.

  • SM-Linked user accounts cannot create, edit, or delete user accounts in the organization.

  • SM-Linked users do not have access to the Profile page to edit their own accounts.

  • SM-Linked users cannot log in to Tenable Security Center directly. You must log in to the Security Manager account associated with the SM-Linked account, then switch users.

  • You can only create linked non-admin user accounts for TNS user accounts. Linked non-admin user accounts are not supported for LDAP or SAML user accounts.

  • You cannot convert a standalone user account to a linked non-admin user account.

  • You cannot convert an SM-Linked user to a standalone user account. To unlink an SM-Linked user from a Security Manager user, delete the SM-Linked user account.

  • You cannot create a standalone SM-Linked user account.

For more information about user accounts in Tenable Security Center, see User Access and User Roles.

For more information about linked user accounts, see: