Universal Repositories

Universal repositories can store data from Tenable Nessus, and Tenable Nessus Agent scans, as well as IPv4 and IPv6 data from Tenable Nessus Network Monitor, and Log Correlation Engine scans.

Tenable Security Center assigns UUIDs to assets to uniquely identify vulnerability data in universal repositories, since not all operational technology assets have IP addresses or Tenable UUIDs.

For more information, see Add a Repository.

Universal Repository Options

Option Description

The repository name.


(Optional) A description for the repository.


IP Ranges

Specifies the IP address range of vulnerability data you want to store in the repository.

Type the range as a comma-delimited list of IP addresses, IP address ranges, and/or CIDR blocks.

Note: Agent scans into universal repositories are not restricted by IP range.



Specifies which organizations have access to the vulnerability data stored in the repository.

If groups are configured for the organization, Tenable Security Center prompts you to grant or deny access to all of the groups in the organization. For more granular control, grant access within the settings for that group.

Advanced Settings
Generate Trend Data

When enabled, Tenable Security Center generates trend data by taking periodic snapshots of the cumulative database. Trend data is displayed in some Tenable Security Center tools (e.g., trending line charts and trending area charts).

Tenable Security Center also produces differential data (snapshot comparison data), which improves performance when displaying trend data in Tenable Security Center tools.

Tip: Disable this option to reduce your disk space usage.

Days Trending

Specifies the number of days of cumulative vulnerability data that you want Tenable Security Center to display in dashboard and report vulnerability trending displays.

Enable Full Text Search

When enabled, Tenable Security Center includes vulnerability text in periodic snapshots of .nessus data for vulnerability trending purposes. For more information about the Vulnerability Text filter component, see Vulnerability Analysis Filter Components.

Vulnerability Data Lifetime (Data Expiration Settings)


The number of days you want Tenable Security Center to retain active scan vulnerability data stored in universal repositories. The default value of this option is 365 days.


The number of days you want Tenable Security Center to retain passive scan vulnerability data stored in universal repositories. The default value of this option is 7 days.


The number of days you want Tenable Security Center to retain event data stored in universal repositories. The default value of this option is 365 days.


The number of days you want Tenable Security Center to retain audit compliance data stored in universal repositories. The default value of this option is 365 days.


The number of days you want Tenable Security Center to retain mitigated vulnerability data stored in universal repositories. The default value of this option is 365 days.