Perform a Configuration Backup
Required Tenable Security Center User Role: Root user
For more information about the backup and restore process and the configurations included in a configuration backup, see Backup and Restore.
Before you begin:
If you uploaded custom plugins, save a copy of your custom plugins in a safe location.
To perform a backup of your Tenable Security Center configuration:
Log in to Tenable Security Center via the command line interface (CLI).
Stop Tenable Security Center, as described in Start, Stop, or Restart Tenable Security Center.
Tenable Security Center stops.
In the CLI in Tenable Security Center, do one of the following:
To save the configuration backup file to a local directory, run the following command, where [local directory path] is the local directory where you want to save the backup file:
/opt/sc/support/bin/php /opt/sc/src/tools/backupSCConfiguration.php -l [local directory path]
For example:
/opt/sc/support/bin/php /opt/sc/src/tools/backupSCConfiguration.php -l /tmp/
To save the configuration backup file to a remote directory, run the following command, where [remote directory absolute path] is the absolute path to the remote directory where you want to save the backup file:
/opt/sc/support/bin/php /opt/sc/src/tools/backupSCConfiguration.php -r [user]@[host]:[remote absolute path to configuration backups directory]
For example:
/opt/sc/support/bin/php /opt/sc/src/tools/backupSCConfiguration.php -r [email protected]:/tmp/
Tenable Security Center creates the configuration backup file and saves it to the specified directory.
Tip: The configuration backup file name includes the backup date and time, the Tenable Security Center hostname, and the Tenable Security Center version (for example, SC-config-20211101-165111-sc-hostname-5_20_0.tar.gz).
Start Tenable Security Center, as described in Start, Stop, or Restart Tenable Security Center.
Tenable Security Center starts.
What to do next:
(Optional) Restore the configuration backup file, as described in Restore a Configuration Backup.