6.2: Activate Audit Logging

Sub-control 6.2 states that you must ensure that local logging has been enabled on all systems and networking devices.

Asset Type Security Function Implementation Groups
Network Detect 1, 2, 3


  • Sub-control 1.4: Maintain Detailed Asset Inventory

  • Sub-control 5.1: Establish Secure Configurations


  1. Endpoint Inventory: The list of endpoints from the endpoint inventory

  2. Event Logging Inventory: The list of events that should be logged (aka an event logging policy).


  • There could potentially be numerous events that should be logged.
  • A checklist verifying the logging policy can be examined per endpoint.


  1. For each endpoint, determine if the configured event logging policy matches the policy defined by I2. Note the appropriately and inappropriately configured endpoints.


Measure Definition
M1 = List of Endpoints

A list of all endpoints.

M2 = Count of items in M1 A count of the total number of items in M1.

M3 = List of appropriately configured endpoints

A list of all appropriately configured endpoints.

M4 = Count of items in M3

A count of the total number of items in M3.

M5 = List of inappropriately configured endpoints

A list of all inappropriately configured endpoints.

M6 = Count of items in M5 A count of the total number of items in M5.


Logging Policy Coverage

Metric Calculation
The ratio of endpoints implementing the prescribed event logging policy compared to the total number of endpoints. (M4 / M6)