13.2: Remove Sensitive Data or Systems Not Regularly Accessed by Organization

Sub-control 13.2 states that you must remove sensitive data or systems not regularly accessed by the organization from the network. These systems shall only be used as stand-alone systems (disconnected from the network) by the business unit needing to occasionally use the system or completely virtualized and powered off until needed.

Asset Type Security Function Implementation Groups
Data Protect 1, 2, 3


  • Sub-control 1.4: Maintain Detailed Asset Inventory

    Sub-control 13.1: Maintain an Inventory of Sensitive Information


  1. List of sensitive systems: A list of sensitive systems. Ideally, this uses the endpoint inventory (sub-control 1.4).

    1. The list of systems from 13.1 scanning with Content Audit files can identify the systems with sensitive data.

  2. Access frequency: The access frequency for any sensitive systems.

  3. Access frequency threshold: An organizationally-defined access frequency threshold.


  • Access to sensitive data takes place through some system. Therefore the system, when processing, storing, or transmitting sensitive data, is a sensitive system.

  • Isolation/exposure score of zero is assumed ideal.


  1. Determine the subset of sensitive systems that are infrequently used (using all Inputs).

  2. For each infrequently used sensitive system, calculate the system's isolation/exposure.


Measure Definition
M1 = List of all systems used to process sensitive information

A list all systems used to process sensitive information.

M2 = Count of items in M1

A count of the total number of items in M1.

M3 = Set of infrequently used sensitive systems A list of infrequently used sensitive systems.
M4 = Count of infrequently used sensitive systems A count of infrequently used sensitive systems.
M5 = List of infrequently used sensitive systems with isolation/exposure scores greater than 0 A list of infrequently used sensitive systems with isolation/exposure scores greater than 0.
M6 = Count of items in M4 A count of the total number of items in M4.



Metric Calculation
The percentage of infrequently used sensitive systems that are not properly isolated. M6 / M4