16.11: Lock Workstation Sessions After Inactivity

Sub-control 16.11 states that you must automatically lock workstation sessions after a standard period of inactivity.

Asset Type Security Function Implementation Groups
Users Protect 1, 2, 3


  • Sub-control 1.4: Maintain Detailed Asset Inventory
  • Sub-control 1.5: Maintain Asset Inventory Information

  • Sub-control 5.1: Establish Secure Configurations


  1. List of workstations with locking: A list of workstations which have enabled automatic workstation locking

  2. List of workstations: A list of all workstations.

  3. Workstation configuration policy: The workstation configuration policy that establishes the organization’s workstation locking time threshold.


  1. For each workstation with locking enabled, collect the locking time threshold.
  2. Collect the list of workstations whose locking time threshold exceeds the value specified by I3.


Measure Definition
M1 = List of Workstations

A list of all systems discovered using Tenable Security Center and checked with audit files.

M2 = Count of items in M1 A count of the total number of items in M1.

M3 = List of workstations with automatic workstation locking enabled

A list all of workstations with automatic workstation locking enabled.

M4 = Count of items in M3

A count of the total number of items in M3.

M5 = List of appropriately configured workstations

A list of all systems with the appropriate benchmark configured correctly.

M6 = Count of items in M5 A count of the total number of items in M5.
M7 = List of inappropriately configured workstations A list of all systems with the appropriate benchmark configured incorrectly.
M8 = Count of items in M7 A count of the total number of items in M7.


Misconfigured Workstations

Metric Calculation
The percentage of workstations with automatic locking enabled that are configured within the locking time threshold. M6 / M2

Unconfigured Workstations

Metric Calculation
The number of workstations that do not have automatic locking enabled. M2 - M4