Install a Tenable Security Center Patch

Required User Role: Root user

Note: This topic assumes a basic understanding of Linux.

For information about new patches, see the release notes for Tenable Security Center.

Some patches are available through the Tenable Security Center feed. For more information, see Configuration Settings.

To apply a Tenable Security Center patch manually:

  1. Download the patch TGZ file from the Tenable downloads page. If necessary, depending on the operating system of the host, move the upgrade TGZ file onto the host.

  2. Confirm the integrity of the patch TGZ file by comparing the download checksum with the checksum on the Tenable downloads page.

  3. If your organization requires Tenable Security Center to use /dev/random instead of /dev/urandom to generate random number data for secure communication functions, modify the random data source as described in Use /dev/random for Random Number Data Generation.

  4. Access the command line as a user with root-level permissions.

  5. Run the following command to untar the patch file, where [patch file name] is the name of the TGZ patch file you downloaded:

    tar zxf [patch file name]

  6. Run the following command to change the directory to the extracted directory, where [directory] is the extracted directory:

    cd [directory]

  7. Run the following command to begin the installation:

    sh ./

    The installation begins and Tenable Security Center stops. After the installation finishes, Tenable Security Center automatically restarts.

  8. (Optional) Confirm the patch successfully applied to Tenable Security Center, as described in the knowledge base article.

To apply a patch through the Tenable Security Center feed:

  1. Log in to Tenable Security Center as an Administrator.

  2. In the left navigation, click System > Configuration.

    The Configuration page appears.

  3. Click the Plugins/Feed tile.

    The Plugins/Feed Configuration page appears.

  4. On the Plugins/Feed Configuration page, in the Tenable Security Center Software Updates section, enable the Enable Updates Through the Tenable Security Center Feed option.

    During the next scheduled feed update, Tenable Security Center applies the patch. In the Tenable Security Center Software Updates table, a timestamp appears in the row for the patch in the Last Updated column.