View Asset Details

Required User Role: Organizational user with appropriate permissions. For more information, see User Roles.

You can view details for any asset. For more information, see Assets.

To view asset details:

  1. Log in to Tenable Security Center via the user interface.

  2. In the left navigation, click Assets > Assets.

    The Assets page appears.

  3. Right-click the row for the asset you want to view.

    The actions menu appears.


    Select the check box for the asset you want to view.

    The available actions appear at the top of the table.

  4. Click View.

    The View Asset page appears.




    View general information for the asset.

    • Name — The asset name.
    • Description — The asset description.
    • Tag — The tag applied to the asset. For more information, see Tags.
    • IP Addresses (static assets only) — The IP addresses specified in the asset. For more information, see Assets.
    • Created — The date the asset was created.
    • Last Modified — The date the asset was last modified.
    • Owner — The username for the user who created the asset.
    • Group — The group in which the asset belongs.
    • ID — The asset ID.
    TenableSynchronization Data

    View synchronization summary data:

    • Status — The status of the asset in Tenable Lumin synchronization:
      • Finished — The most recent synchronization that included this asset succeeded.
      • Not Synced — The asset is not configured for Tenable Lumin synchronization.
      • Error — An error occurred. For more information, see View Tenable Lumin Data Logs.
    • First Synchronization — The date and time of the first synchronization of this asset.
    • Last Success — The date and time of the most recent synchronization of this asset.
    • Last Failure — The date and time of the most recent failed synchronization of this asset.
    • Details — If the Status is Error, details about the error.

    For more information about Tenable Lumin synchronization, see Tenable Lumin Synchronization.