Use Different Certificates for Tenable Core and Your Application

By default, Tenable Core uses the same certificates for Tenable Core as well as Tenable Nessus. If needed, you can decouple your system and application certificates and customize them independently.

Before you begin:

To decouple and customize your application certificates:

  1. Log in to Tenable Core via the user interface, as described in Log In to Tenable Core.

    The Tenable Core web user interface page appears.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click SSL/TLS Certificates.

    The SSL/TLS Certificates page appears.

  3. Click the application tab.

    The application tab appears.

  4. Clear the Reuse System Certificate check box.

    The application tab refreshes to display the settings in edit mode.

  5. Remain on the application tab and configure the settings for your application-specific server certificate, as described in Upload a Custom Server Certificate.

  6. Remain on the application tab and configure the settings for one or more custom certificate authority (CA) certificate, as described in Upload a Certificate for a Trusted Certificate Authority.

    Note: If you upload a custom CA certificate on the application tab, Tenable Core disregards the custom CA certificate configuration on the System Certificate tab. Tenable Core does not use custom CA certificates for reasons other than the application use described in Upload a Certificate for a Trusted Certificate Authority.