Push from Jenkins to Tenable Container Security

The following feature is not supported in Tenable FedRAMP Moderate environments. For more information, see the Tenable FedRAMP Moderate Product Offering.

Required Additional License: Tenable Container Security

Before You Begin

These instructions describe how to push a Docker image from Jenkins to Tenable Container Security.

These steps assume you are already comfortable using Jenkins and are already pushing Docker images to a public or private registry. If you are already using Jenkins, but have not built Docker container images, familiarize yourself with the documentation for the Jenkins CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin.


  1. On the Jenkins dashboard, select the job you want to modify.
  2. Click Configure.
  3. In the Build section, click Add build step.
  4. In the drop-down box, select Docker Build and Publish.
  5. Type the details for the following configuration parameters:
    • Repository Name: The repository name and image name. For example, if you build a rabbitmq container image, you can name the repository rabbitmq and the image rabbitmq. In this example, in the Repository Name box, type rabbitmq/rabbitmq.
    • Tag: The tag name. The simplest tag name to use is latest.
    • Docker Host URI: The Jenkins path to the Docker Host. If the Docker Host is running on localhost, then in the Docker Host URI box, type tcp://
    • Docker registry URL: The Tenable Container Security API endpoint, which in this case is registry.cloud.tenable.com.
    • Registry credentials: The registry credentials that you select from the box.

  6. Click Save.

    Tenable Vulnerability Management sends the Jenkins builds to Tenable Container Security for storage, distribution, vulnerability scanning, and malicious code scanning.