Report Templates

Tenable Vulnerability Management provides a selection of report templates and customizable report formats. You can configure a Tenable-provided report template or you can create a fully customized report from one of the available formats.

For a complete index of Tenable-provided report templates, see Tenable Vulnerability Management Report Templates.

Tip: For more information on the specific data included in each individual report, see View Report Details.
Note: The Cyber Insurance Report includes the following caveats:
  • The report cannot be edited in any way. This ensures underwriters can be confident their metrics are 100% accurate.
  • This report only includes Explore data from the previous 180 days.

  • This report is only available for customers with Explore reports enabled on their container.

  • The report name does not change upon subsequent generations of the report. For example, the date/time stamp in the report name does not update the next time you run the report, however the report data itself includes the date on which the report was most recently run.

  • Severities are reported using CVSSv3 base scores only.

For more information, see the Cyber Insurance Report blog post.