Attack Path Analysis Dashboard

The Attack Path Analysis dashboard gives you a high-level view of your vulnerable assets such as the number of vulnerable critical assets, the number of attack paths leading to these critical assets, the number of open findings and their severity, a matrix to view paths with different source node exposure score and ACR target value combinations, and a list of trending attack paths.

To access the Dashboard tab:

  1. In the upper-left corner of the page, click the button.

  2. In the Analytics section, click Attack Path Analysis.

    Attack Path Analysis appears. By default, the Dashboard tab is active.

The Attack Path Analysis Dashboard shows the following details:

Widget Description
Compare To

Compare and view the difference between the current data and the data from a specific timeframe. You can select from these options:

  • None

  • Yesterday

  • 7 days

  • 15 days

  • 30 days

Based on the option you select, each widget lists the differences between timeframes and shows a colored directional arrow to indicate whether the value has increased or decreased.

Critical Assets (reached/total) The number of critical assets that attack paths can lead to by the total number of critical assets in your environment. Click the icon to view the reached critical assets in the Discover tab.
Attack Path Leading to Critical Asset The number of attack paths that lead to critical assets. Click the icon to view the attack paths in the Discover tab.
Open Findings The total number of open findings with the number of critical, high, medium, and low severity findings. Click to view the open findings in the Findings tab.
Top Attack Path Matrix

Each square in the matrix shows the number of attack paths that corresponds to target Asset Criticality Rating (ACR) and Source Node Exposure Score values. This matrix includes only assets with an ACR of 7 or higher to ensure you can prioritize your most critical assets first.

For example, you can quickly view the attack paths that lead to the highest ACR targets and whose source nodes have the highest exposure score source by checking the value in the square in the upper right corner of the matrix. Click any square to navigate to the Discover tab with the appropriate filter automatically applied. Here you can view paths that match the selected value.

Tip: At the top of the matrix, click on a Data Source to filter the matrix by attack paths from the selected source. If there is no data available for a data source type, the button for that source is disabled.
Trending Attack Paths A list of all trending attack paths.