Delete a Network

Required Tenable Vulnerability Management User Role: Scan Manager or Administrator

  • If you delete a network, assets that were in the deleted network still retain the network attribute.
  • Tenable Vulnerability Management retains any asset records for the deleted network until the assets age out of your licensed assets count. You can still filter for assets that use the deleted network.
  • You cannot create a new network that has the same name as a deleted network.

Before you begin:

Before you delete a network, consider the following:

To delete a network:

  1. In the left navigation, click Sensors.

    The Sensors page appears. By default, the Nessus Scanners tab is active and Linked Scanners is selected in the drop-down box.

  2. Click the Networks tab.

    The list of networks appears.

  3. Delete selected networks.

    Delete Scope Action
    To delete a single network

    To delete a single network:

    1. In the networks table, right-click the row for the network you want to delete.

      The action options appear next to your cursor.


      In the networks table, in the Actions column, click the button in the row for the network you want to delete.

      The action options appear in the row.


      Select the check box for the network you want to delete.

      The action bar appears at the top of the table.

    2. Click Delete.
    To delete multiple networks

    To delete multiple networks:

    1. In the networks table, select the check box for the network you want to delete.

      The action bar appears at the top of the table.

    2. Click Delete.

  4. Tenable Vulnerability Management deletes the network.