License Information
On the License Information page, you can view a complete breakdown of your Tenable products and how many asset licenses they are using. You can view this information in multiple ways, including visual overviews by product or time period that enable you to spot trends such as temporary usage spikes or product misconfigurations.
This page is broken down into two tabs:
Asset License — License usage for all Tenable products in the current container.
Account Details — Organization-level details such as your account information.
Tip: For details on how Tenable licenses work and how assets or resources are licensed in each product, see Licensing Tenable Products.
View the License Information Page
To view the License Information page, in the top navigation bar, click
and on the page that appears, click License.
Asset License
View information about your Tenable licenses in the Asset License tab, which appears by default when you open the License Information page.
The Asset License tab shows license usage for products in the current Tenable container. Details appear in panels, broken down by product. If you have Tenable One, to view its components, in the bottom-right corner, click Show More.
The following information appears on the Asset License tab:
Section | Description |
Product summary |
Name of the product and the unique identifier for your Tenable container, the date and time of the last update, and a ring chart which summarizes your asset license usage. Click Details to view the following:
This section also contains the following:
Usage Breakdown & Trend |
See visual breakdowns of your asset license usage:
Licenses allocated | The total number of your Tenable asset licenses allocated to a product. |
Licenses used |
The total number of Tenable asset licenses used in that product. If you have Tenable One, this number is the total of all asset licenses used across all Tenable One components. Tip: The type of asset you license varies by product. To learn more, see Tenable One Components.
Overused licenses |
(Tenable One-only) If any, your license overage—that is, the number of extra licenses you are using. To learn more, see Tenable Cloud Overage Process. |
License ratio |
If any, the ratio against which the assets in your environment are multiplied to determine how many Tenable asset licenses you need to purchase. For example, if you have 1,000 assets to assign to Tenable Identity Exposure, you will need 500 Tenable asset licenses, since the ratio is 0.5. To learn more, see Licensing Tenable One. |
Tenable assets allocated | The total number of Tenable asset licenses you have assigned to a product, accounting for any ratio. |
Tenable assets used | The total number of Tenable asset licenses used by that product, accounting for any ratio. |
Account Details
View your account details in the Account Details tab, which contains information about your organization and your Tenable products. It is always the same, regardless of which Tenable container you are using.
Required User Role: Administrator
The Account Details tab contains the following information:
Section | Description |
Account Information |
View your account information:
Tenable One Licenses |
Under Active Product Subscriptions, view information about your Tenable One licenses, including version, your container's unique ID, your allocated assets, and your Tenable asset license's start and end dates. Also view a table with the following columns:
Tip: Next to a product, click the drop-down > to view information about your Tenable One components by Product Type, Percent Allocated, Assets Used, and Assets Allocated.
Standalone Product Licenses |
Under Active Product Subscriptions view information about your standalone licenses. Note: On-premise products such as Tenable Nessus Agent or Tenable Cloud Security do not appear here.
In a table, view the following: