Install Tenable Security Center in Kubernetes

This page describes how to install Tenable Security Center on a Kubernetes cluster. For minimum Tenable Security Center requirements, see Requirements in the Tenable Security Center user guide.

Before You Begin

  • You must have a Kubernetes cluster in a supported Kubernetes environment. For more information, see Supported Kubernetes Environments.

  • Download the kubectl binaries. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.

  • Update your kubeconfig file to allow kubectl to communicate with the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Download the Helm binaries. For more information, see the Helm documentation.

  • (Tenable Security Center 6.5.1 and later) Configure a PostgreSQL database. Tenable recommends you use a managed PostgreSQL database service (for example, RDS, AWS, or GCP). If you want to host the database yourself, see the Kubegres documentation.

    Tenable Security Center in Kubernetes supports PostgreSQL version 16.x.

Install Tenable Security Center in Kubernetes

  1. Add the Tenable Helm Charts repository with the following command:

    helm repo add tenable
  2. Update the repository:

    helm repo update
  3. Install the Helm Chart or upgrade an existing Helm Chart using one of the following:


    Note: The values in these steps are based on a setup with 10,000 active IP addresses. For minimum requirements for your environment, see Tenable Security Center Cloud Requirements.

  4. Ensure that Tenable Security Center is installed by checking the container logs and pod status. For more information, see Troubleshooting Tenable Security Center in Kubernetes.

  5. Copy the external IP of the service. For example, for an AWS environment with DNS configured, the external IP would be the load balancer DNS name.

  6. To access the Tenable Security Center UI, navigate to https://<External-IP>:443. The application's hostname is tenable-security-center-0.