Perform an On-Demand Backup

Perform a backup of your application data anytime between scheduled backups. For more information about scheduled backups, see Change the Scheduled Backup Time.

Note: Your backup may fail if it occurs while Tenable Security Center processes are active. To avoid backup failures, Tenable recommends that you coordinate your on-demand and scheduled backups around Tenable Security Center freeze windows. For more information about Tenable Security Center freeze windows, see Freeze Windows in the Tenable Security Center User Guide.

Note: During a backup or a restore, Tenable Core stops the Tenable Security Center application service. You cannot use Tenable Core during this time. After the backup or restore completes, your services restart and Tenable Security Center resumes normal function.

Before you begin:

To perform an on-demand backup:

  1. Log in to Tenable Core via the user interface, as described in Log In to Tenable Core.

    The Tenable Core web user interface page appears.

  2. In the left navigation bar, click Backup/Restore.

    The Backup/Restore page appears.

  3. In the AVAILABLE MODULES section, select the box next to the application you want to back up.

  4. Click Take Backup Now.

    The BACKUP IN PROGRESS window appears. The window disappears after the system completes the backup.

What to do next: