View Finding Details

You can view additional details for any findings on the Findings tab within Attack Path Analysis.

To view additional details for a finding:

  1. Access the Findings tab.

  2. In the Findings list, click the finding for which you want to view additional details.

    The finding details page appears.

On the finding details page, you can:

  • View the name and priority of the finding.

  • View the date and time at which the finding was last updated. For example, a change in the status, priority, or state of a finding can change the Last update time.

  • Click Log History to view the changes in the state, status, and priority of a finding. For more information, see View Log History.

  • View information about nodes within attack paths that exploit the finding.

  • Click View Attack Paths to navigate to the Discover tab, where you can view a graphical representation of the attack path as well as interact with more attack path data.

  • Click Share to copy, send via email, or print the details of the finding. For more information, see Share Finding Details.

  • View a brief description of the Details of the finding.

  • View the Choke Point Priority related to the finding.

    Tip: A choke point is a place where potential attack paths merge together before reaching a critical asset. Attack Path Analysis uses a Choke Point Priority metric to determine the criticality of choke points.
  • View Evidence related to the finding.

  • View Mitigation options for the finding:

    1. Click on an option to view further information steps you can take to mitigate the finding.

    2. To view a step-by-step guide on how to mitigate the finding, click Step by Step Mitigation Guide.

      On the right side of the page, the Step by Step Mitigation Guide panel appears, which includes a set of instructions you can follow to mitigate the finding and therefore its risk.

  • View Detection information for the finding.

  • View Related Malware and Tools associated with the finding.

  • View external References, where you can learn more about the finding.

    1. Click a reference to navigate to that resource.