Information Panel

The Information panel displays additional information about asset nodes and attack paths on the Discover tab.

To view the information panel for a node or technique:

  1. Access the Discover tab.

  2. In the Standard Queries section, click Query Builder.

    The Query Builder pane appears.

  3. Create a custom query or use a built-in query from the query library.

    For more information, see:

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Click a node on the canvas.

      A panel appears at the bottom of the page with information about the node.

      Tip: In the upper-right corner, click View Asset Details to navigate directly to Tenable Inventory with the node's asset details displayed by default.

      This information includes, but is not limited to:

      • Open Ports — The open ports on the asset.

      • ACRTenable assigns an ACR to each asset on your network to represent the asset's relative criticality as an integer from 1 to 10. A higher ACR indicates higher criticality.

      • AESTenable calculates a dynamic AES for each asset on your network to represent the asset's relative exposure as an integer between 0 and 1000. A higher AES indicates higher exposure.

      • AVR — The Asset Vulnerability Rating (AVR) is an aggregation of all Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) scores for vulnerabilities detected on the asset.

      • NES — The Node Exposure Score (NES) is a metric produced by Attack Path Analysis to understand the blast radius exposure of a node. This metric considers the Vulnerability Priority Rating of all vulnerabilities on the asset as well as other relationships such as software installed, sub-networks to which the asset belongs, internet exposure, etc.

      • Sensors — The sensor or sensors that detected the asset.

    • Click an attack technique (i.e., step) on the canvas.

      A panel appears with information about the technique such as a Description and Evidence of the technique.

      Here you can:

      • Click the Technique ID to navigate directly to the MITRE definition for that technique.