Export Lumin Exposure View Data

You can export Lumin Exposure View data in the following ways:

  • Expor the entire Exposure View in .pdf format

  • Export a single section of the Lumin Exposure View in .png format.

For a demonstration on how to export Lumin Exposure View data, see the following video:

To export the entire Lumin Exposure View:

  1. Access the Lumin Exposure View.

  2. In the upper right corner, click the button.

    A menu appears.

  3. Click Create Report.

    The Lumin Exposure View downloads the export file to your computer. Depending on your browser settings, your browser may notify you that the download is complete.

To export a single section of the Lumin Exposure View:

  1. Access the Lumin Exposure View.

  2. Scroll to the section of the Lumin Exposure View that you want to export.

  3. Click the button.

    The Lumin Exposure View downloads the export file to your computer. Depending on your browser settings, your browser may notify you that the download is complete.