Extended Migration

After initial upgrade, you can monitor the Extended Migration process, some of which begins automatically, and some of which needs manual intervention.

Extended migration consists of the following parts:

  • Overview— An overview of the current access and linking keys, which you can update if necessary.
  • Scan History— A manual migration of some or all of your scan history from Tenable Nessus to Tenable Vulnerability Management.
  • Scanners— (Tenable Nessus Manager only) An automatic migration of your managed scanners. Some action may be required if scanners fail to link.
  • Agents— (Tenable Nessus Manager only) An automatic migration of your managed agents. Some action may be required if agents fail to link.

If you choose to disable migration, the extended migration process is interrupted and your Tenable Nessus instance becomes a managed scanner of Tenable Vulnerability Management.