Getting Started with Tenable Nessus Upgrade Assistant
Last updated: June 29, 2023
In Nessus Professional (version 7.1 and later) and Tenable Nessus Manager (version 8.2 and later), you can use the upgrade assistant to migrate data from a Tenable Nessus deployment to a Tenable Vulnerability Management deployment.
The upgrade migrates configurations on the local Nessus instance into Tenable Vulnerability Management. As a result, all subsequent configurations should be administered through Tenable Vulnerability Management once complete. During migration, the service itself is converted to a Nessus scanner which is then linked to Tenable Vulnerability Management. For Tenable Nessus Manager, any managed scanners and agents are relinked to Tenable Vulnerability Management. Because it is not possible to control when all of these services check in, migration continues running on the local scanner and relinking services as they check in. Optionally, you can move some or all of your scan data to Tenable Vulnerability Management.
Note: Once you start an upgrade, you cannot reverse this action.
For assistance with migrating, contact Tenable Support.