Upgrade Considerations
Before you begin, note the following considerations.
While Tenable Nessus is in a suspended state during the upgrade:
- All sessions end, except for the session where the administrator user is performing the upgrade.
- All running scans are canceled.
- All users are logged out and cannot log back in, except for administrator accounts.
The standard Tenable Nessus user interface is disabled, and an upgrade status and control interface appears instead.
- Starting scans manually or via the scheduler is disabled.
- Software updates are disabled.
- Accessing the API and CLI is disabled.
Once the upgrade is complete:
The service is converted to a Tenable Nessus scanner.
Users can log in to the Tenable Nessus scanner again.
Scan schedules are configured and managed through Tenable Vulnerability Management.
API and CLI are enabled.
You can access the Extended Migration page when logged in to the Nessus scanner. On this page, you can monitor ongoing activity of managed scanners and agents that have not yet been moved to Tenable Vulnerability Management, and select scan history to and provides options for the Administrator to select historic scan data migrate into Tenable Vulnerability Management.