Assessment Settings in Tenable Vulnerability Management Scans

Note: If a scan is based on a user-defined template, you cannot configure Assessment settings in the scan. You can only modify these settings in the related user-defined template.

You can use Assessment settings to configure how a scan identifies vulnerabilities, as well as what vulnerabilities are identified. This includes identifying malware, assessing the vulnerability of a system to brute force attacks, and the susceptibility of web applications.

Certain Tenable-provided scanner templates include preconfigured assessment settings.

If you select the Custom preconfigured setting option, or if you are using a scanner template that does not include preconfigured assessment settings, you can manually configure Assessment settings in the following categories:

Note: The following tables include settings for the Advanced Network Scan template. Depending on the template you select, certain settings may not be available, and default values may vary.


The General section includes the following groups of settings:

Setting Default Value Description
Override Normal Accuracy Disabled

In some cases, Tenable Vulnerability Management cannot remotely determine whether a flaw is present or not. If report paranoia is set to Show potential false alarms, a flaw is reported every time, even when there is a doubt about the remote host being affected. Conversely, a paranoia setting of Avoid potential false alarms causes Tenable Vulnerability Management to not report any flaw whenever there is a hint of uncertainty about the remote host. As a middle ground between these two settings, disable this setting.

Perform thorough tests (may disrupt your network or impact scan speed) Disabled Causes various plugins to work harder. For example, when looking through SMB file shares, a plugin analyzes 3 directory levels deep instead of 1. This could cause much more network traffic and analysis in some cases. By being more thorough, the scan is more intrusive and is more likely to disrupt the network, while potentially providing better audit results.
Antivirus definition grace period (in days) 0 Configure the delay of the Antivirus software check for a set number of days (0-7). The Antivirus Software Check menu allows you to direct Tenable Vulnerability Management to allow for a specific grace time in reporting when antivirus signatures are considered out of date. By default, Tenable Vulnerability Management considers signatures out of date regardless of how long ago an update became available (e.g., a few hours ago). You can configure this option to allow for up to 7 days before reporting them out of date.
Third party domain

Tenable Vulnerability Management attempts to send spam through each SMTP device to the address listed in this field. This third party domain address must be outside the range of the site being scanned or the site performing the scan. Otherwise, the test may be aborted by the SMTP server.

From address

The test messages sent to the SMTP server(s) appear as if the messages originated from the address specified in this field.

To address

Tenable Vulnerability Management attempts to send messages addressed to the mail recipient listed in this field. The postmaster address is the default value since it is a valid address on most mail servers.

Brute Force

The Brute Force section includes the following groups of settings:

Setting Default Value Description
General Settings
Only use credentials provided by the user Enabled In some cases, Tenable Vulnerability Management can test default accounts and known default passwords. This can cause the account to be locked out if too many consecutive invalid attempts trigger security protocols on the operating system or application. By default, this setting is enabled to prevent Tenable Vulnerability Management from performing these tests.
Oracle Database
Test default accounts (slow) Disabled Test for known default accounts in Oracle software.


Setting Default Value Description
ICCP/COTP TSAP Addressing Weakness

The ICCP/COTP TSAP Addressing menu determines a Connection Oriented Transport Protocol (COTP) Transport Service Access Points (TSAP) value on an ICCP server by trying possible values.

Web Applications

The Web Applications section includes the following groups of settings:

Setting Default Value Description
Scan web applications Disabled By default, Tenable Vulnerability Management does not scan web applications. To edit the following settings, enable this setting.
Use a custom User-Agent

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)

Specifies which type of web browser Tenable Vulnerability Management impersonates while scanning.

Web Crawler
Start crawling from


The URL of the first page that is tested. If multiple pages are required, use a colon delimiter to separate them (e.g., /:/php4:/base).

Excluded pages (regex) /server_privileges\.php|logout

Specifies portions of the web site to exclude from being crawled. For example, to exclude the /manual directory and all Perl CGI, set this field to: (^/manual) <> (\.pl(\?.*)?$).

Tenable Vulnerability Management supports POSIX regular expressions for string matching and handling, as well as Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE).

Maximum pages to crawl


The maximum number of pages to crawl.

Maximum depth to crawl


Limit the number of links Tenable Vulnerability Management follows for each start page.

Follow dynamically generated pages


If selected, Tenable Vulnerability Management follows dynamic links and may exceed the parameters set above.

Application Test Settings
Enable generic web application tests Disabled Enables the following settings.
Abort web application tests if HTTP login fails Disabled If Tenable Vulnerability Management cannot log in to the target via HTTP, then do not run any web application tests.
Try all HTTP methods Disabled This option instructs Tenable Vulnerability Management to also use POST requests for enhanced web form testing. By default, the web application tests only use GET requests, unless you enable this option. Generally, more complex applications use the POST method when a user submits data to the application. When enabled, Tenable Vulnerability Management tests each script or variable with both GET and POST requests. This setting provides more thorough testing, but may considerably increase the time required.
Attempt HTTP Parameter Pollution Disabled When performing web application tests, attempt to bypass filtering mechanisms by injecting content into a variable while also supplying the same variable with valid content. For example, a normal SQL injecton test may look like /target.cgi?a='&b=2. With HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) enabled, the request may look like /target.cgi?a='&a=1&b=2.
Test embedded web servers Disabled Embedded web servers are often static and contain no customizable CGI scripts. In addition, embedded web servers may be prone to crash or become non-responsive when scanned. Tenable recommends scanning embedded web servers separately from other web servers using this option.
Test more than one parameter at a time per form Disabled

This setting manages the combination of argument values used in the HTTP requests. The default, without checking this option, is testing one parameter at a time with an attack string, without trying non-attack variations for additional parameters. For example, Tenable Vulnerability Management would attempt
/test.php?arg1=XSS&b=1&c=1, where b and c allow other values, without testing each combination. This is the quickest method of testing with the smallest result set generated.

This setting has four options:

  • Test random pairs of parameters: This form of testing randomly checks a combination of random pairs of parameters. This is the fastest way to test multiple parameters.
  • Test all pairs of parameters (slow): This form of testing is slightly slower but more efficient than the one value test. While testing multiple parameters, it tests an attack string, variations for a single variable and then use the first value for all other variables. For example, Tenable Vulnerability Management would attempt /test.php?a=XSS&b=1&c=1&d=1 and then cycle through the variables so that one is given the attack string, one is cycled through all possible values (as discovered during the mirror process) and any other variables are given the first value. In this case, Tenable Vulnerability Management would never test for /test.php?a=XSS&b=3&c=3&d=3 when the first value of each variable is 1.
  • Test random combinations of three or more parameters (slower): This form of testing randomly checks a combination of three or more parameters. This is more thorough than testing only pairs of parameters. Increasing the amount of combinations by three or more increases the web application test time.
  • Test all combinations of parameters (slowest): This method of testing checks all possible combinations of attack strings with valid input to variables. Where all pairs testing seeks to create a smaller data set as a tradeoff for speed, all combinations makes no compromise on time and uses a complete data set of tests. This testing method may take a long time to complete.
Do not stop after first flaw is found per web page

Stop after one flaw is found per web server (fastest)

This setting determines when a new flaw is targeted. This applies at the script level. Finding an XSS flaw does not disable searching for SQL injection or header injection, but unless otherwise specified, there is at most one report for each type on a given port. Note that several flaws of the same type (for example, XSS or SQLi) may be reported if they were caught by the same attack.

If this option is disabled, as soon as a flaw is found on a web page, the scan moves on to the next web page.

If you enable this option, select one of the following options:

  • Stop after one flaw is found per web server (fastest) — (Default) As soon as a flaw is found on a web server by a script, Tenable Vulnerability Management stops and switches to another web server on a different port.
  • Stop after one flaw is found per parameter (slow) — As soon as one type of flaw is found in a parameter of a CGI (for example, XSS), Tenable Vulnerability Management switches to the next parameter of the same CGI, the next known CGI, or to the next port or server.
  • Look for all flaws (slowest) — Perform extensive tests regardless of flaws found. This option can produce a very verbose report and is not recommend in most cases.
URL for Remote File Inclusion During Remote File Inclusion (RFI) testing, this setting specifies a file on a remote host to use for tests. By default, Tenable Vulnerability Management uses a safe file hosted by Tenable for RFI testing. If the scanner cannot reach the Internet, you can use an internally hosted file for more accurate RFI testing.
Maximum run time (min) 5 This option manages the amount of time in minutes spent performing web application tests. This option defaults to 60 minutes and applies to all ports and CGIs for a given website. Scanning the local network for web sites with small applications typically completes in under an hour, however web sites with large applications may require a higher value.


The Windows section contains the following groups of settings:

Setting Default Value Description
General Settings
Request information about the SMB Domain Enabled

If enabled, domain users are queried instead of local users.

User Enumeration Methods

You can enable as many of the user enumeration methods as appropriate for user discovery.

SAM Registry Enabled Tenable Vulnerability Management enumerates users via the Security Account Manager (SAM) registry.
ADSI Query Enabled Tenable Vulnerability Management enumerates users via Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI). To use ADSI, you must configure credentials under Credentials > Miscellaneous > ADSI.
WMI Query Enabled Tenable Vulnerability Management enumerates users via Windows Management Interface (WMI).
RID Brute Forcing Enabled Tenable Vulnerability Management enumerates users via relative identifier (RID) brute forcing. Enabling this setting enables the Enumerate Domain Users and Enumerate Local User settings.
Enumerate Domain Users (available with RID Brute Forcing enabled)
Start UID 1000 The beginning of a range of IDs where Tenable Vulnerability Management attempts to enumerate domain users.
End UID 1200 The end of a range of IDs where Tenable Vulnerability Management attempts to enumerate domain users.
Enumerate Local User (available with RID Brute Forcing enabled)
Start UID 1000 The beginning of a range of IDs where Tenable Vulnerability Management attempts to enumerate local users.
End UID 1200 The end of a range of IDs where Tenable Vulnerability Management attempts to enumerate local users.


The Malware section contains the following groups of settings:

Setting Default Value Description
Hash and Allow List Files
Custom Netstat IP Threat List None

A text file that contains a list of known bad IP addresses that you want to detect.

Each line in the file must begin with an IPv4 address. Optionally, you can add a description by adding a comma after the IP address, followed by the description. You can also use hash-delimited comments (e.g., #) in addition to comma-delimited comments.

Note: Tenable does not detect private IP ranges in the text file.

Provide your own list of known bad MD5 hashes None

A text file with one MD5 hash per line that specifies additional known bad MD5 hashes.

Optionally, you can include a description for a hash by adding a comma after the hash, followed by the description. If any matches are found when scanning a target, the description appears in the scan results. You can also use hash-delimited comments (for example, fop) in addition to comma-delimited comments.

Provide your own list of known good MD5 hashes None

A text file with one MD5 hash per line that specifies additional known good MD5 hashes.

Optionally, you can include a description for each hash by adding a comma after the hash, followed by the description. If any matches are found when scanning a target, and a description was provided for the hash, the description appears in the scan results. You can also use hash-delimited comments (for example, #) in addition to comma-delimited comments.

Hosts file allow list None

Tenable Vulnerability Management checks system hosts files for signs of a compromise (for example, Plugin ID 23910 titled Compromised Windows System (hosts File Check)). This option allows you to upload a file containing a list of IPs and hostnames you want Tenable Vulnerability Management to ignore during a scan. Include one IP and one hostname (formatted identically to your hosts file on the target) per line in a regular text file.

Yara Rules
Yara Rules None

A .yar file containing the YARA rules to be applied in the scan. You can only upload one file per scan, so include all rules in a single file. For more information, see

File System Scanning
Scan file system Disabled

If enabled, Tenable Vulnerability Management can scan system directories and files on host computers.

Caution: Enabling this setting in scans targeting 10 or more hosts could result in performance degradation.

Windows Directories (available if Scan file system is enabled)
Scan %Systemroot% Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan %Systemroot%.
Scan %ProgramFiles% Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan %ProgramFiles%.
Scan %ProgramFiles(x86)% Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan %ProgramFiles(x86)%.
Scan %ProgramData% Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan %ProgramData%.
Scan User Profiles Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan user profiles.
Custom Filescan Directories None A custom file that lists directories to be scanned by malware file scanning. List each directory on one line.
Linux Directories
Scan $PATH Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan $PATH.
Scan /home Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan /home.
MacOS Directories
Scan $PATH Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan $PATH.
Scan /Users Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan /Users.
Scan /Applications Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan /Applications.
Scan /Library Disabled Enables file system scanning to scan /Library.


Setting Default Value Description
Oracle Database
Use detected SIDs Disabled

When enabled, if at least one host credential and one Oracle database credential are configured, the scanner authenticates to scan targets using the host credentials, and then attempts to detect Oracle System IDs (SIDs) locally. The scanner then attempts to authenticate using the specified Oracle database credentials and the detected SIDs.

If the scanner cannot authenticate to scan targets using host credentials or does not detect any SIDs locally, the scanner authenticates to the Oracle database using the manually specified SIDs in the Oracle database credentials.