Findings Properties
The following table defines the properties in a Tenable Data Stream findings payload file. To see an example file, go to Findings Payload Files.
Property | Data Type | Description |
payload_id | string | The ID of the payload sent from Tenable Vulnerability Management. |
version | integer | The version of the payload. This number increments when the payload structure changes. |
type | string | The type of data in the payload; for example, FINDING. |
count_updated | integer | The number of updated findings in the payload. |
count_deleted | integer | The number of deleted findings in the payload. |
updates[{}] | array of objects | Contains the tags updated in the payload. |
updates[].finding_id | string | The unique identifier for the finding. |
updates[].asset.agent_uuid | string | The UUID of the agent that performed the scan where the vulnerability was found. |
updates[].asset.bios_uuid | string | The BIOS UUID of the asset where the vulnerability was found. |
updates[].asset.device_type | string | The type of asset where the vulnerability was found. |
updates[].asset.fqdn | string | The fully-qualified domain name of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
updates[].asset.hostname | string | The host name of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
updates[].asset.uuid | string | The UUID of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
updates[].asset.ipv4 | string | The IPv4 address of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
updates[].asset.ipv6 | string | The IPv6 address of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
updates[].asset.last_authenticated_results | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when credentials were last successfully used to scan the asset. |
updates[].asset.last_unauthenticated_results | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when the asset was scanned without using credentials. |
updates[].scan_target | string | The IP address or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the asset targeted in the last scan. |
updates[].asset.mac_address | string | The MAC address of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
updates[].asset.netbios_name | string | The NETBIOS name of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
updates[].asset.netbios_workgroup[] | string array | The NETBIOS workgroup of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
updates[].asset.operating_system[] | array of strings | The operating system of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
updates[].asset.network_id | string | The ID of the network associated with the scanners that identified the asset. The default network ID is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. For more information about network objects, see Networks. |
updates[].asset.tracked | boolean | A value specifying whether Tenable Vulnerability Management tracks the asset in the asset management system. Tenable Vulnerability Management still assigns untracked assets identifiers in scan results, but these identifiers change with each new scan of the asset. This parameter is relevant to PCI-type scans and in certain cases where there is not enough information in a scan to identify the asset. Untracked assets appear in the scan history, but do not appear in workbenches or reports. |
updates[].output | string | The text output of the Nessus scanner. |
updates[].plugin | object | Information about the plugin that detected the vulnerability. |
updates[][] | array of integers | The Bugtraq ID for the plugin. |
updates[].plugin.canvas_package | string | The name of the CANVAS exploit pack that includes the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.checks_for_default_account | boolean | A value specifying whether the plugin checks for default accounts. |
updates[].plugin.checks_for_malware | boolean | A value specifying whether the plugin checks for malware. |
updates[].plugin.cpe[] | array of strings | The Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) numbers for the plugin. |
updates[].plugin.cve[] | array of strings | The Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) IDs for the plugin. |
updates[].plugin.cvss3_base_score | float | The CVSSv3 base score (intrinsic and fundamental characteristics of a vulnerability that are constant over time and user environments). |
updates[].plugin.cvss3_temporal_score | float | The CVSSv3 temporal score (characteristics of a vulnerability that change over time but not among user environments). |
updates[].plugin.cvss3_temporal_vector | object | CVSSv3 temporal metrics for the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.cvss3_temporal_vector.exploitability | string |
The CVSSv3 Exploit Maturity Code (E) for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss3_temporal_vector.remediation_level | string |
The CVSSv3 Remediation Level (RL) temporal metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss3_temporal_vector.report_confidence | string |
The CVSSv3 Report Confidence (RC) temporal metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss3_temporal_vector.raw | string | The complete cvss3_temporal_vector metrics and result values for the vulnerability the plugin covers in a condensed and coded format. For example, E:U/RL:OF/RC:C. |
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector | object | Additional CVSSv3 metrics for the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector.access_complexity | string |
The CVSSv3 Access Complexity (AC) metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values are:
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector.access_vector | string |
The CVSSv2 Attack Vector (AV) metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values are:
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector.privileges_required | string |
Level of privilege required to exploit this vulnerability. Possible values are L for low, H for high, and None for no access privileges required. |
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector.user_interaction | string | The user interaction required for exploitability. |
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector.scope | string | If the vulnerability can affect other assets or only the asset it was found on. Possible values are U for unchanged and C for changed (meaning that the vulnerability can affect other assets). |
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector.availability_impact | string |
The CVSSv2 availability impact metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector.confidentiality_impact | string |
The CVSSv3 confidentiality impact metric of the vulnerability the plugin covers to the vulnerable component. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector.integrity_impact | string |
The CVSSv3 integrity impact metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss3_vector.raw | string | The complete cvss3_vector metrics and result values for the vulnerability the plugin covers in a condensed and coded format. For example, AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C. |
updates[].plugin.cvss_base_score | float | The CVSSv2 base score (intrinsic and fundamental characteristics of a vulnerability that are constant over time and user environments). |
updates[].plugin.cvss_temporal_score | float | The CVSSv2 temporal score (characteristics of a vulnerability that change over time but not among user environments). |
updates[].plugin.cvss_temporal_vector | object | CVSSv2 temporal metrics for the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.cvss_temporal_vector.exploitability | string |
The CVSSv2 Exploitability (E) temporal metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss_temporal_vector.remediation_level | string |
The CVSSv2 Remediation Level (RL) temporal metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss_temporal_vector.report_confidence | string |
The CVSSv2 Report Confidence (RC) temporal metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss_temporal_vector.raw | string | The complete cvss_temporal_vector metrics and result values for the vulnerability the plugin covers in a condensed and coded format. For example, E:U/RL:OF/RC:C. |
updates[].plugin.cvss_vector.access_complexity | string |
The CVSSv2 Access Complexity (AC) metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss_vector.access_vector | string |
The CVSSv2 Access Vector (AV) metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss_vector.authentication | string |
The CVSSv2 Authentication (Au) metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss_vector.availability_impact | string |
The CVSSv2 availability impact metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss_vector.confidentiality_impact | string |
The CVSSv2 confidentiality impact metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss_vector.integrity_impact | string |
The CVSSv2 integrity impact metric for the vulnerability the plugin covers. Possible values include:
updates[].plugin.cvss_vector.raw | string | The complete cvss_vector metrics and result values for the vulnerability the plugin covers in a condensed and coded format. For example, AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C. |
updates[].plugin.d2_elliot_name | string | The name of the exploit in the D2 Elliot Web Exploitation framework. |
updates[].plugin.description | string | Full text description of the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.exploit_available | boolean | A value specifying whether a public exploit exists for the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.exploit_framework_canvas | boolean | A value specifying whether an exploit exists in the Immunity CANVAS framework. |
updates[].plugin.exploit_framework_core | boolean | A value specifying whether an exploit exists in the CORE Impact framework. |
updates[].plugin.exploit_framework_d2_elliot | boolean | A value specifying whether an exploit exists in the D2 Elliot Web Exploitation framework. |
updates[].plugin.exploit_framework_exploithub | boolean | A value specifying whether an exploit exists in the ExploitHub framework. |
updates[].plugin.exploit_framework_metasploit | boolean | A value specifying whether an exploit exists in the Metasploit framework. |
updates[].plugin.exploitability_ease | string | Description of how easy it is to exploit the issue. |
updates[].plugin.exploited_by_malware | boolean | The vulnerability discovered by this plugin is known to be exploited by malware. |
updates[].plugin.exploited_by_nessus | boolean | A value specifying whether Nessus exploited the vulnerability during the process of identification. |
updates[].plugin.exploithub_sku | string | The SKU number of the exploit in the ExploitHub framework. |
updates[] | string | The family to which plugin belongs. |
updates[].plugin.family_id | integer | The ID of the plugin family. |
updates[].plugin.has_patch | boolean | A value specifying whether the vendor has published a patch for the vulnerability. |
updates[] | integer | The ID of the plugin that identified the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.in_the_news | boolean | A value specifying whether this plugin has received media attention (for example, ShellShock, Meltdown). |
updates[].plugin.metasploit_name | string | The name of the related exploit in the Metasploit framework. |
updates[].plugin.ms_bulletin | array of strings | The Microsoft security bulletin that the plugin covers. |
updates[] | string | The name of the plugin that identified the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.patch_publication_date | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when the vendor published a patch for the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.modification_date | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when the plugin was last modified. |
updates[].plugin.publication_date | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when the plugin was published. |
updates[].plugin.risk_factor | string | The risk factor associated with the plugin. Possible values are: Low, Medium, High, or Critical. See the risk_factor attribute in Tenable Plugin Attributes. |
updates[].plugin.see_also[] | array of strings | Links to external websites that contain helpful information about the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.solution | string | Remediation information for the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.stig_severity | string | Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) severity code for the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.synopsis | string | Brief description of the plugin or vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.type | string | The general type of plugin check (for example, local or remote). |
updates[].plugin.unsupported_by_vendor | boolean | Software found by this plugin is unsupported by the software's vendor (for example, Windows 95 or Firefox 3). |
updates[].plugin.usn | string | Ubuntu security notice that the plugin covers. |
updates[].plugin.version | string | The version of the plugin used to perform the check. |
updates[].plugin.vuln_publication_date | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when the plugin was published. |
updates[].plugin.xrefs[] | array of objects | References to third-party information about the vulnerability, exploit, or update associated with the plugin. Each reference includes a type and an ID. For example, 'FEDORA' and '2003-047'. This object can include type and id fields. |
updates[].plugin.xrefs[].type | string | The type of reference. |
updates[].plugin.xrefs[].id | string | The ID for the reference. |
updates.plugin.vpr | object | Information about the Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) for the vulnerability. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.score | float | The Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) for the vulnerability. If a plugin is designed to detect multiple vulnerabilities, the VPR represents the highest value calculated for a vulnerability associated with the plugin. For more information, see Severity vs. VPR in the Tenable Vulnerability Management User Guide. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers | object | The key drivers Tenable uses to calculate a vulnerability's VPR. For more information, see Vulnerability Priority Rating Drivers. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.age_of_vuln | object | A range representing the number of days since the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) published the vulnerability. Ranges include 0-7 days, 7-30 days, 30-60 days, 60-180 days, 180-365 days, 365-730 days, and more than 730 days (+731) |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.age_of_vuln.lower_bound | integer | The lower bound of the range. For example, for the 0-7 days range, this attribute is 0. For the highest range (more than 730 days), this value is 731. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.age_of_vuln.upper_bound | integer | The upper bound of the range. For example, for the 0-7 days range, this attribute is 7. For the highest range (more than 730 days), this value is 0, which signifies that there is no higher category. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.exploit_code_maturity | string | The relative maturity of a possible exploit for the vulnerability based on the existence, sophistication, and prevalence of exploit intelligence from internal and external sources (for example, Reversinglabs, Exploit-db, Metasploit, etc.). The possible values (High, Functional, PoC, or Unproven) parallel the CVSS Exploit Code Maturity categories. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.cvss_impact_score_predicted | boolean | A value specifying whether Tenable predicted the CVSSv3 impact score for the vulnerability because NVD did not provide one (true) or used the NVD-provided CVSSv3 impact score (false) when calculating the VPR. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.cvss3_impact_score | float | The NVD-provided CVSSv3 impact score for the vulnerability. If the NVD did not provide a score, Vulnerability Management displays a Tenable-predicted score. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.threat_intensity_last28 | string | The relative intensity based on the number and frequency of recently observed threat events related to this vulnerability: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, or Very High. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.threat_recency | object | A range representing the number of days since a threat event occurred for the vulnerability. Ranges include 0-7 days, 7-30 days, 30-120 days, 120-365 days, and more than 365 days (+365). |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.threat_recency.lower_bound | integer | The lower bound of the range. For example, for the 0-7 days range, this attribute is 0. For the highest range (more than 365 days), this value is 366. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.threat_recency.upper_bound | integer | The upper bound of the range. For example, for the 0-7 days range, this attribute is 7. For the highest range (more than 730 days), this value is 0, which signifies that there is no higher category. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.threat_sources_last28[] | array of strings | A list of all sources (for example, social media channels, the dark web, etc.) where threat events related to this vulnerability occurred. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.drivers.product_coverage | string | The relative number of unique products affected by the vulnerability: Low, Medium, High, or Very High. |
updates[].plugin.vpr.updated | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time whenthe system last imported the VPR for this vulnerability. The system imports a VPR value the first time you scan a vulnerability on your network. Then, it automatically re-imports new and updated VPR values daily. |
updates[].workaround | string | Describes the workaround for remediating the vulnerability. |
updates[].workaround_type | string |
The workaround action required to remediate the vulnerability. Possible workaround types include:
updates[].workaround_published | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when the workaround was published. |
updates[].has_workaround | boolean | Indicates if a workaround exists for the vulnerability. |
updates[].port | object | Information about the port the scanner used to connect to the asset. |
updates[].port.port | integer | The port the scanner used to communicate with the asset. |
updates[].port.protocol | string | The protocol the scanner used to communicate with the asset. |
updates[].port.service | string | The service the scanner used to communicate with the asset. |
updates[].recast_reason | string | The text that appears in the Comment field of the recast rule in the Tenable Vulnerability Management user interface. |
updates[].recast_rule_uuid | string | The UUID of the recast rule that applies to the plugin. |
updates[].scan | object | Information about the latest scan that detected the vulnerability. |
updates[].scan.schedule_uuid | string | The schedule UUID for the scan that found the vulnerability. |
updates[].scan.started_at | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when the scan started. |
updates[].scan.uuid | string | The UUID of the scan that found the vulnerability. |
updates[].severity | string | The severity of the vulnerability as defined using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score. Possible values include info (CVSS score of 0), low (CVSS score between 0.1 and 3.9), medium (CVSS score between 4.0 and 6.9), high (CVSS score between 7.0 and 9.9), and critical (CVSS score of 10.0). |
updates[].severity_id | integer |
The code for the severity assigned when a user recast the risk associated with the vulnerability. Possible values include:
updates[].severity_default_id | integer | The code for the severity originally assigned to a vulnerability before a user recast the risk associated with the vulnerability. Possible values are the same as for the severity_id attribute. |
updates[].severity_modification_type | string |
The type of modification a user made to the vulnerability's severity. Possible values include:
updates[].first_found | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when a scan first detected the vulnerability on the asset. |
updates[].last_fixed | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time whenn a scan no longer detects the previously detected vulnerability on the asset. |
updates[].last_found | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when a scan last detected the vulnerability on the asset. |
updates[].indexed | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when the system added the finding to the Tenable Vulnerability Management database. |
updates[].state | string |
The state of the vulnerability as determined by the Tenable Vulnerability Management state service. Possible values include:
updates[].source | string |
The source of the scans that identified the vulnerability. Sources can include sensors, connectors, and API imports. The values in the source field correspond to the names of the sources as defined in your organization's implementation of Tenable Vulnerability Management. Commonly used source names include:
deletes[{}] | array of objects | Contains any findings deleted in the payload, along with their _id and a timestamp. |
deletes[]._id | string | The UUID of the deleted finding in Tenable Vulnerability Management. |
.deletes[].deleted_at | string | An ISO timestamp indicating the date and time when the data in the payload was deleted. |
first_ts | string | A Unix timestamp indicating the date and time of the first entry in the payload. |
last_ts | string | A Unix timestamp indicating the date and time of the last entry in the payload. |