Tenable Web App Scanning CI/CD Scanning with Jenkins Integration

You can deploy a Tenable Web App Scanning Docker image in continuous integration and continuous delivery/continuous deployment CI/CD against your application in Jenkins. For more information on this integration, see the Jenkins documentation.

Before you begin:

  • Be able to deploy your app to an integration environment available to your Jenkins build agent, or run it directly on the build agent for testing.

  • Review the overview information in CI/CD Application Scan Overview.

Pipeline workflow file example for Jenkins:

pipeline { agent any stages { stage('build-run-scan') { environment { ACCESS_KEY = credentials('ACCESS_KEY') SECRET_KEY = credentials('SECRET_KEY') } steps { sh ''' docker pull swaggerapi/petstore docker run -d -e SWAGGER_URL=http://petstore:8080 -e SWAGGER_BASE_PATH=/v2 --name petstore swaggerapi/petstore docker pull tenable/was-scanner:latest docker run -v $(pwd):/scanner -t -e WAS_MODE=cicd -e ACCESS_KEY=${ACCESS_KEY} -e SECRET_KEY=${SECRET_KEY} --link petstore tenable/was-scanner:latest ''' } } } post { always { sh ''' docker rm $(docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor="tenable/was-scanner:latest" --format="{{.ID}}")) || true docker rm $(docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor="swaggerapi/petstore" --format="{{.ID}}")) || true docker system prune -f --volumes ''' archiveArtifacts 'scanner.log' publishHTML([allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false, keepAll: true, reportDir: '', reportFiles: 'tenable_was_scan.html', reportName: 'WAS Report']) cleanWs() } } }

Example integrations for CI/CD tools: