Get Started with Tenable for ServiceNow
To configure your Tenable for ServiceNow integration:
Note: It is important to configure
Tip: Tenable recommends using the tabbed view in ServiceNow to navigate the Tenable applications. To use this setting, go to Settings > Forms. Enable the Tabbed forms toggle.
Install the Tenable applications you want to use in ServiceNow.
Note: Tenable Connector and Service Graph Connector for Tenable for Assets are required.
- Configure the Tenable Connector.
Configure the Service Graph Connector for Tenable for Assets application. You can schedule imports in this step.
Note: It is important to configure the Service Graph Connector for Tenable for Assets application with accurate parameters. Otherwise, the integration may not work as designed.
(Optional) Configure the OT Security for VR application. You can schedule imports in this step.
- (Optional) Configure the Tenable for ITSM application. You can schedule imports in this step.