View Weakness Details

In the Weaknesses view, you can view details for any weakness in the list.

To view weakness details:

  1. Access the Weaknesses view.

  2. In the row of the weakness for which you want to view details, click See details.

    The weakness details page appears.

On the weakness details page, you can:

  • View the Weakness Name.

  • View the Severity of the weakness, for example, Critical.

  • View the Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) of the weakness.

  • View the number of Impacted Assets associated with the weakness.

    • Click See Details to view the list of included assets.

  • View the date at which the weakness was Last Seen in a scan on the asset.

  • View the date at which the weakness was First Seen in a scan on the asset.

  • View the date at which the weakness was Last Modified.

  • View the weakness' Publication Date.

  • View a Description of the weakness.

  • At the bottom of the page, view any Plugin Output associated with the weakness.