
It is possible to define if/then/else logic in the Cisco audit policy. This allows the end-user to return a warning message rather than pass/fail in case an audit passes.

The syntax to perform conditions is the following:


<condition type: "or">

<Insert your audit here>



<Insert your audit here>



<Insert your audit here>





<condition type: "AND">



description: "Forbid Auxiliary Port"

info: "Verify the EXEC process is disabled on the auxiliary (aux) port."

context: "line aux "

item: "no exec"




description: "Forbid Auxiliary Port"

info: "Verify the EXEC process is disabled on the auxiliary (aux) port."

context: "line aux "

item: "transport input [^n][^o]?[^n]?[^e]?$"




<report type: "PASSED">

description: "Forbid Auxiliary Port"

info: "Verify the EXEC process is disabled on the auxiliary (aux) port."




<report type: "FAILED">

description: "Forbid Auxiliary Port"

info: "Verify the EXEC process is disabled on the auxiliary (aux) port."




Whether the condition fails or passes never shows up in the report because it is a “silent” check.

Conditions can be of type “and” or “or”.