Custom Roles

You can create custom roles for users on your Tenable Web App Scanning instance to give those users privileges that are specific to your organization's needs.

When you create a custom role, you can add all or some of the following privileges. You can also edit a custom role to remove privileges. Which privileges you can add to or remove from a role depend on the area of Tenable Web App Scanning where each privilege applies.

Note: A user's access to resources on the account may be limited by their permissions, regardless of their role.

  • Create — Allows users to create an exposure card or a tag. This privilege is specific to Lumin Exposure View and Tenable Inventory, respectively.

  • Manage — Allows the user to create, modify, and delete in the area where the privilege applies.

    Note: When you add the Manage privilege to a custom role, Tenable automatically adds the Read privilege as well. You cannot disable the Read privilege unless you first disable the Manage privilege.

  • Manage All — Allows the user to view, modify, and delete exports, including exports that others created.
  • Manage Own — Allows the user to view, modify, and delete only exports that the user created.
  • Share — Allows the user to share objects with other users or groups.

    Note: If a custom role does not also have the Read permission enabled, they cannot access a list of other users with which to share objects.
  • Read — Allows the user to view items in the area where the privilege applies.

  • Use — Allows the user to use Tenable-provided scan templates during scan creation.

  • Submit PCI — Allows the user to submit the scan for PCI validation. For more information, see the Tenable PCI ASV User Guide.

  • Search — Allows the user to search for a query where the privilege applies. This privilege is specific to Attack Path Analysis.
  • Save — Allows the user to save a query where the privilege applies. This privilege is specific to Attack Path Analysis.
  • Cloud Resource — Allows the user to access assets from Cloud Resource data sources. This privilege is specific to Lumin Exposure View and Tenable Inventory.
  • Computing Resource — Allows the user to access assets from Computing Resource data sources. This privilege is specific to Lumin Exposure View and Tenable Inventory.
  • Identity — Allows the user to access assets from Identity data sources. This privilege is specific to Lumin Exposure View and Tenable Inventory.
  • Web Application — Allows the user to access assets from Web Application data sources. This privilege is specific to Lumin Exposure View and Tenable Inventory.

The following table describes the privilege options available for custom roles in different sections of Tenable Web App Scanning.

Note: When you create a custom role, you must include Read privileges for the General Settings, License, and My Account sections. If you do not include Read privileges for these sections, users assigned to the role cannot log in to Tenable Web App Scanning.

Section Privilege Options
Platform Settings
Asset Read
Findings Read
My Account Read, Manage
Access Control

Read, Manage

Caution: Adding the Manage privilege in Access Control allows any user with that custom role to create an Administrator user, log in as that user, and change the privileges or permissions for any user on your Tenable Vulnerability Management instance, including their own. If you want to create a user account with the ability to manage your Access Control configurations, Tenable recommends that you assign that user the Administrator role. For more information, see Tenable-Provided Roles and Privileges.

Activity Log Read
General Setting Read, Manage
License Information Read
Vulnerability Management
Dashboard Manage, Share

Note: Custom role privileges in the Dashboards section do not include the ability to export a dashboard. Assign a Tenable-provided role to a user if you want the user to be able to export dashboards.

Note: All users can view the dashboards they create or that others share with them regardless of the privileges you assign to them.

Export Manage All, Manage Own
Recast/Accept Rule Read, Manage
Asset Inventory
Access to Asset Type Cloud Resource, Computing Resource, Identity, Web Application
Inventory Read
Export Manage Own
Tag Create, Edit
Attack Path Analysis
Export Manage Own
Finding Read, Manage
Query Save, Search
Lumin Exposure View
Access to Asset Type Cloud Resource, Computing Resource, Identity, Web Application
Export Manage Own
Exposure Card Read, Create, Share
Settings Read, Manage
Nessus/Agent Scan Read, Manage, Submit PCI
Scan Exclusion Read, Manage
Tenable-Provided Scan Template Use
User-Defined Scan Template Read, Manage
Managed Credential Read, Manage
Target Group Read, Manage