OT Security EM Overview

The Overview page features widgets that offer an at-a-glance view of your complete enterprise inventory and security posture. OT Security EM aggregates data from all sites and displays it in widgets. Along with the standard widgets for individual sites, the EM Overview page includes an ICP Status widget showing each site's the connectivity status.

To access the Overview page:

  1. In the left hand navigation bar, click Overview.

    The OT Security EM Overview page appears.

The Overview page includes the following widgets:

Widget Description
Risk Score The average risk score. Hover over the value to get a breakdown of the average risk score.
Executive Report Click this link to generate a risk assessment report for your environment based on the data from the last 30 days. The report opens on your browser. To download the report as PDF, click Save as PDF at the top of the page.
Assets and Vulnerabilities The current state of assets and vulnerabilities in your environment. Includes separate widgets for each asset type (OT Controllers, Network Assets, IoT Assets) that show the number of assets in that category and the number of assets that are at high risk.
Status Report The overall status of your environment, such as assets discovered, total events, number of high risk events, number of configuration events in the last 24 hours. The widget also shows the number of ICPs and sensors that are online. The widget also includes total events in the last 7 days and in the last one hour.
Assets by Type The number of assets by type, such endpoint, PLC, OT device, and so on.
Assets by Criticality The number of assets by their criticality: High, Medium, or Low.
Connected Sites

Lists the ICPs connected to the EM. The widget includes the following details:

  • Name — The name of the ICP.

  • Assets — The number of assets within the ICP.

  • Average Risk Score — The average risk score of the ICP.

  • Severe Vulnerability — The number of vulnerabilities in the critical state.

  • Last 24h Events — The number of events recorded in the ICP in the last 24 hours.

To open the ICPs page, in the upper-right corner, click ICPs Management.