Configure a Proxy Server

Use the following procedure to configure a proxy server in the Tenable Nessus user interface.

  1. In Tenable Nessus, in the top navigation bar, click Settings.

    The About page appears.

  2. In the left navigation bar, click Proxy Server.

    The Proxy Server page appears.

  3. Configure the settings as necessary:
  4. Setting Description
    Host The proxy server host.
    Port The proxy server port.

    The username for an account on the proxy server with credentials to search for user data.

    Format the username as provided by the proxy server.

    Password The password for an account on the proxy server with credentials to search for user data.
    Auth Method

    The authentication method Nessus uses to connect to the proxy server:

    • AUTO DETECTTenable Nessus secures the connection with authentication based on what you entered for the previous settings. Tenable recommends selecting this option if you do not know what to select.

    • NONETenable Nessus does not authenticate.

    • BASICTenable Nessus secures the connection with basic authentication.

    • DIGESTTenable Nessus secures the connection with digest authentication.

    • NTLMTenable Nessus secures the connection with NTLM authentication.

      Note: Tenable Nessus only supports NTLMv2.

    User-Agent The user agent for the proxy server, if your proxy requires a preset user agent.
  5. Click the Save button.

    Tenable Nessus saves the proxy server.