Configure an SNMP Agent via the User Interface
Required User Role: Administrator with Reuse my password for privileged tasks enabled
If your organization uses a Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP) network management station (NMS) for device monitoring, you can install a net-snmp agent onto Tenable Core to report device data to your NMS.
You can use the user interface to configure common SNMPv2c or SNMPv3 settings. To configure other advanced or uncommon SNMP settings, use the CLI as described in Configure an SNMP Agent via the CLI.
To install and configure an SNMP agent on Tenable Core via the user interface:
Log in to Tenable Core via the user interface, as described in Log In to Tenable Core.
The Tenable Core web user interface page appears.
In the left navigation bar, click SNMP.
If you already installed an SNMP agent on Tenable Core, the SNMP page appears. If you do not have an SNMP agent installed on Tenable Core, the Install SNMP Packages window appears.
(Optional) In the Install SNMP Packages window, click Install SNMP to install the SNMP service.
Tenable Core installs the SNMP service and opens inbound ports 161 and 162 on Tenable Core.
The SNMP page appears.
In the SNMP common setup section, configure the contact properties you want to appear on your NMS for this instance of Tenable Core.
Option Description Contact A name, email address, or other identifier for the person you want to list as the contact for questions about this instance of Tenable Core. Location A geographic, organizational, or other location descriptor for the person you want to list as the contact for questions about this instance of Tenable Core. -
If you want to grant an SNMPv2c NMS access to Tenable Core, in the SNMPv2c access control setup section, configure one or both of the settings:
Option Description read-only access community name Specifies the read-only community string for the SNMPv2c NMS. read-write access community name Specifies the read-write community string for the SNMPv2c NMS. -
If you want to grant an SNMPv3 NMS read-only access to Tenable Core, in the SNMPv3 access control setup section, configure the settings:
Option Description Read-only Hash algorithm Specifies the read-only hash algorithm for the SNMPv3 NMS. Read-only access username
Read-only access user password
Specifies the username and password for an account on the SNMPv3 NMS. -
If you want to grant an SNMPv3 NMS read-write access to Tenable Core, in the SNMPv3 access control setup section, configure the settings:
Option Description Read-write Hash algorithm Specifies the read-write hash algorithm for the SNMPv3 NMS that you want to grant read-write access on Tenable Core. Read-write access username
Read-write access user password
Specifies the username and password for an account on the SNMPv3 NMS. -
Click Save Configuration.
Tenable Core saves your SNMP configuration.